From CASA Guides
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Getting Started
- What Version of CASA am I Running?
- Starting CASA Without the Logger
- New Startup Screen
- Accessing the Newest Version of CASA at NRAO
- Setting Up the Available Memory
- Capturing Return Values
- Interpreting CASA output
Data Reduction
- Renaming a Field
- Renaming Antennas
- Selecting Spectral Windows and Channels
- Axis definitions in plotms
- General description of the data selection syntax
- CASA Region Format
- CASA Region Format Examples How to apply CASA regions to tasks and convert them for use with tools
- Creating lists of files for task input: using glob
Loading Data
- Measurement Set Contents
- Importing Data into CASA
- Loading and Running Tasks
- Averaging data in plotms
- Inspecting Data
- Applying EVLA on-line flags What do to if you need to re-apply (or apply) your online flags, without re-downloading the entire MS
- Data flagging with plotms
- Data flagging with viewer
- Combining Bandpasses
- Create a Component List for Selfcal
- Creating a Model for a Resolved Bandpass Calibrator
- Description of Imaging Algorithms in CASA
- Diverging deconvolution results in 'csclean' and 'mosaic' modes
- Create a Simulated Image
- Create a Clean Mask from Continuum Image or Moment Cube
- How to rotate and slice a cube for pV diagrams
- Masking images for analysis
- Stacking Multiple Spectral Lines at Same Position
- Fit an arbitrary sky (image) model to an existing MS - including how to simulate visibilities that will have the same uv-coverage and weights as a given MS
- Fit a Gaussian to Visibility data and plot it over the data
How CASA Works
- Lattice Expression Language (LEL) as used, e.g. in immath
- Definition of a Measurement Set
- Definition of a Calibration Table
- CASA Parallel Processing
If CASA Doesn't Work
- Interpreting CASA output
- Updating the CASA Data Repository
- Waiting for read-lock on file
- CASA Error Messages
- Fixing out of date TAI_UTC tables (missing information on leap seconds)
Writing a CASA Task
- Writing a CASA Task Presents the basics of writing a CASA task, and provides examples of tasks that will be helpful and instructive.
- User-contributed Tasks
Bug Checking
Also check out the step-by-step tutorials on this wiki!