Uploads by Pfisher

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
23:31, 2 June 2021 IRAS16293 Band9.fixed.CONTIN AP.image.pbcor 6.1.png (file) 39 KB Continuum image 1
19:05, 2 June 2021 Cont pcal1 6.1.png (file) 77 KB Fig 6. continuum phases 1
15:56, 2 June 2021 IRAS16293 Band9.AVG.ms tamp f2 allspw 6.1.png (file) 31 KB Fig. 5 model amplitude vs time 1
01:04, 2 June 2021 Amp vs channel.spw1 6.1.png (file) 37 KB Fig 4 amp v channel 1
00:59, 2 June 2021 Amp vs channel.spw1 6.1 Spw0.png (file) 37 KB Fig. 4 Amp v channel 1
00:47, 2 June 2021 IRAS16293 Band9.AVG.ms uvamp allf spw0 6.1.png (file) 42 KB Fig. 3 All fields amp v uv distance. 1
20:27, 1 June 2021 IRAS16293 Band9.AVG.ms uvamp f0 spw1 6.1.png (file) 18 KB Updated Fig. 2 amp v uvdistance for field 0 spw 1 1
20:11, 1 June 2021 Mosaic pattern 6.1.png (file) 53 KB Updated mosaic pattern file 1
23:52, 31 May 2021 Uid A002 X3d55cb X90c.antwvrtsys.ms.fixed.cal.phase.spw1 6.1.png (file) 85 KB Fig 15 calibrated phase v time spw1 1
23:42, 31 May 2021 Uid A002 X3d4118 X39b.antwvrtsys.ms.fixed.science.freq.amp3 6.1.png (file) 65 KB Fig 19 sci target spw3 amp v f 1
23:40, 31 May 2021 Uid A002 X3d4118 X39b.antwvrtsys.ms.fixed.science.freq.amp1 6.1.png (file) 44 KB Fig 18 sci target spw1 amp v f 1
23:37, 31 May 2021 Uid A002 X3d55cb X575.antwvrtsys.ms.fixed.cal.freq.phase.3c279 6.1.png (file) 43 KB Fig. 17 calibrated phase v f for 3C279 1
23:29, 31 May 2021 Uid A002 X3d4118 X39b.antwvrtsys.ms.fixed.cal.freq.amp.1625-254.png (file) 29 KB Fig 16 cal amp v f for 1625-254 2
01:16, 29 May 2021 X90c.antwvrtsys.ms.fixed.amp 6.1.1.png (file) 72 KB X90c amp vs time plot 1
01:15, 29 May 2021 X90c.gcal 6.1.1.png (file) 85 KB X90c gcal plot 1
01:13, 29 May 2021 X90c scanphase 6.1.1.png (file) 87 KB X90c phase scan plot 1
01:12, 29 May 2021 X90c.intphase.6.1.1.png (file) 90 KB Phase integration plot 1
21:22, 28 May 2021 X575 bp DV09 6.1.1.png (file) 255 KB Fig 9 Bandpass plot for DV09 1
20:46, 28 May 2021 X90c bp DV09 6.1.1.png (file) 260 KB Bandpass plot for DV09 1
20:48, 6 April 2021 Cont pcal1 5.7.png (file) 56 KB Phase plots for selfcal. Corrected file. 1
00:17, 2 April 2021 Cont pcal 5.7.png (file) 56 KB Phase plots for selfcal 1
23:33, 1 April 2021 IRAS16293 Band9.AVG.ms tamp f2 allspw 5.7 FieldIRAS16293-2422-a.png (file) 23 KB   1
20:52, 31 March 2021 IRAS16293 Band9.AVG.ms uvamp allf spw0 5.7.png (file) 39 KB   1
20:47, 31 March 2021 Amp vs channel.spw0 5.7.png (file) 34 KB   1
19:46, 31 March 2021 Fig4.png (file) 34 KB Amp vs channel 1
19:40, 31 March 2021 Fig3.png (file) 39 KB   1
18:54, 31 March 2021 Amp vs channel.spw1 5.7 Spw0.png (file) 34 KB   1
18:46, 31 March 2021 IRAS16293 Band9.AVG.ms uvamp allf spw0 5.7 Spw0.png (file) 39 KB   1
18:02, 31 March 2021 IRAS16293 Band9.AVG.ms uvamp f0 spw1 5.7.png (file) 20 KB   1
15:30, 31 March 2021 Mosaic pattern 5.7.png (file) 81 KB Mosaic pattern 1
19:10, 25 March 2021 Uid A002 X3d4118 X39b.antwvrtsys.ms.fixed.science.freq.amp3 5.7.png (file) 62 KB Fig. 19 science target amp vs freq spw3 1
19:06, 25 March 2021 Uid A002 X3d4118 X39b.antwvrtsys.ms.fixed.science.freq.amp1 5.7.png (file) 38 KB Fig. 18 science target amp vs freq 1
19:01, 25 March 2021 Uid A002 X3d55cb X575.antwvrtsys.ms.fixed.cal.freq.phase.3c279 5.7.png (file) 38 KB Fig. 17 phase vs freq for CASA 5.7 1
18:55, 25 March 2021 Uid A002 X3d55cb X575.antwvrtsys.ms.fixed.cal.freq.phase.3c279 5.1.png (file) 38 KB Fig. 17 phase vs freq 3
18:50, 25 March 2021 Uid A002 X3d4118 X39b.antwvrtsys.ms.fixed.cal.freq.amp.1625-254 5.7.png (file) 21 KB Fig. 16 Flux vs freq 1
18:44, 25 March 2021 Uid A002 X3d55cb X90c.antwvrtsys.ms.fixed.cal.time.phase.spw1 5.7.png (file) 59 KB Fig. 15 phase vs time 1
18:39, 25 March 2021 Uid A002 X3d55cb X90c.cal.time.spw1 5.7.png (file) 30 KB Fig 14 Flux vs time 1
19:00, 24 March 2021 X90c.antwvrtsys.ms.fixed.amp 5.7.png (file) 52 KB X90c calibrated amplitudes 1
18:40, 24 March 2021 X90c.gcal 5.7.png (file) 59 KB X90c gain calibration 1
18:29, 24 March 2021 X90c scanphase 5.7.png (file) 65 KB X90c scanphase plot 1
18:17, 24 March 2021 X90c.intphase.5.7.png (file) 67 KB updated Fig. 10 1
15:56, 24 March 2021 X575 bp DV09 5.7.png (file) 212 KB X575 bandpass for DV09 1
03:51, 24 March 2021 X90c bp DV09 5.7.png (file) 222 KB bandpass_antDV09 1
21:02, 23 March 2021 X39b ants 5.7.png (file) 35 KB antenna positions 1
00:02, 23 March 2021 IRAS16293 B9 amp vs time 5.7 Spw0.png (file) 29 KB Amp vs time plot for spw0 1
22:02, 25 November 2020 IRAS16293 B9 el vs time 5.7.png (file) 21 KB   1
16:23, 19 November 2020 IRAS16293 B9 tsys antenna 5.7.png (file) 202 KB Plots of Tsys vs frequency for all antennas during first four scans for spw 9 (to be applied to data spw 17.) 1
15:02, 19 November 2020 IRAS16293 B9 tsys time 5.7.png (file) 306 KB Plot of Tsys vs frequency for ant DA41, spa 9, 11, 13, 15. 1