Uploads by Mark.Wieringa

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
03:49, 9 August 2016 Screenshot ngc612 cal pol combined.png (file) 255 KB   1
07:19, 2 August 2016 Screenshot cal ngc612 clean final.png (file) 209 KB   1
06:57, 2 August 2016 Ngc612region.txt (file) 2 KB   1
04:45, 28 July 2016 Screenshot plotms ngc612 flag.png (file) 143 KB plotms display of RFI in the 1-3 GHz band 1
04:46, 13 July 2016 Screenshot ngc612 pol combined.png (file) 136 KB   1
03:22, 13 July 2016 Screenshot ngc612 clean mask.png (file) 60 KB The final clean mask 1
06:08, 12 July 2016 Screenshot ngc612 clean final.png (file) 120 KB   1
23:58, 5 July 2016 Screenshot ngc612 viewer clean.png (file) 183 KB Setting the clean box 1