Uploads by Jmiller

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
23:51, 27 May 2010 3C391 interactive clean.png (file) 132 KB Example of setting boxes during interactive cleaning for the EVLA continuum tutorial on 3C391. 1
21:57, 24 May 2010 Plotms-3C286-RRbandpass.png (file) 73 KB Update after more flagging was done, so it corresponds to what students will see. 2
21:16, 18 May 2010 3C391 full pol image vector settings.png (file) 45 KB Data Display Options GUI for the position angle vectors in the final polarization image of 3C391. 1
21:15, 18 May 2010 3C391 full pol image i settings.png (file) 51 KB Selections for data display of the total intensity (I) image of 3C391, in the Data Display Options GUI 1
21:12, 18 May 2010 3C391 full pol image.png (file) 121 KB Final polarization image of 3C391. The linear polarization (P) is shown in color, white contours show the total intensity image (I), and red vectors show the orientation of the magnetic field where the linear polarization is >5 sigma. 1
00:53, 18 May 2010 3C391 precal split parameters.png (file) 69 KB Input parameters for running split immediately after importevla, to time-average the dataset to 10s prior to performing the external gain calibration. 1
23:40, 17 May 2010 3c391 ctm importevla parameters.jpg (file) 122 KB Inputs to importevla for loading the continuum mosaic of 3C391 1
23:42, 5 May 2010 3c391 ctm plotms AP corrected.jpg (file) 74 KB Plot (from plotms) of amplitude against phase for the calibrated data (CORRECTED_DATA) on the secondary calibrator J1822-0938 in the EVLA continuum mosaic of 3C 391. 1
22:16, 5 May 2010 3c391 ctm plotcal Xf solutions.jpg (file) 38 KB Plot of the frequency-dependent R-L phase corrections for the EVLA continuum mosaic of 3C 391, from using polcal with poltype='Xf'. 1
20:11, 5 May 2010 3c391 ctm plotcal Df solutions.jpg (file) 47 KB Plot of the frequency-dependent leakages found by polcal (poltype='Df') for the EVLA continuum mosaic of the supernova remnant 3C 391. 1
16:23, 5 May 2010 3c391 ctm spw0 uvplt.jpg (file) 64 KB Plot of amplitude vs uv-distance for the EVLA continuum mosaic of 3C 391 (taken from a screen shot of plotms), for the lower-frequency spectral window at 4.6 GHz. 1
15:21, 5 May 2010 3c391 ctm i image.jpg (file) 68 KB 4600 MHz total intensity continuum mosaic of 3C 391. 1
22:13, 4 May 2010 3c391 ctm plotants parameters.jpg (file) 36 KB Inputs to task plotants for the EVLA continuum observations of 3C 391. 1