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Return to Analysis Utilities
This page documents the gjincBeam function of the Python module analysisUtils.
This function calls the gjinc class to compute the effective restoring beam obtained from the casa command sd_imaging when using the GJINC gridding kernel assuming the GJINC specific parameters are left at their default values. It returns the value in arc seconds.
au.gjincBeam(frequency, pixelsize=10, diameter=12.0, samplingFactor=2.5)
frequency: floating point number in GHz (no units) pixelsize: floating point number in arcseconds (no units) diameter: the diameter of the single dish antenna in meters (no units) xSamplesPerBeam: the number of sampled points per telescope FWHM beam along the X axis ySamplesPerBeam: the number of sampled points per telescope FWHM beam along the Y axis xSamplingArcsec: if not None, then use this value instead of xSamplesPerBeam ySamplingArcsec: if not None, then use this value instead of ySamplesPerBeam
CASA <3>: au.gjincBeam(115.27)
Theoretical primary beam FWHP = 52.3039 arcsec
Sampled every 10.4608 arcsec (5.000000 points per beam)
Expected effective restoring beam = 54.2091 arcsec
Out[3]: 54.209121599085897
CASA <5>: au.gjincBeam(115.27, xSamplingArcsec=10, ySamplingArcsec=15)
Theoretical primary beam FWHP = 52.3039 arcsec
Sampled every 10 arcsec (5.23039 points per beam) in X
Sampled every 15 arcsec (3.48693 points per beam) in Y
Expected effective restoring beam along X = 54.1741 arcsec
Expected effective restoring beam along Y = 54.5878 arcsec
Geometric mean = 54.3805 arcsec
Out[5]: 54.380521837034024