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This page documents the editIntents function of Python module analysisUtils.
Sometimes the intents for a source specified in the ALMA Observing Tool (OT) are incorrect, especially in Early Science. This problem can confound automatic processing scripts being developed for ES data reduction. To correct this problem, we have borrowed a script from John Lightfoot of the pipeline group, and made it a command-line utility rather than an interactive utility.
au.editIntents(msName="", field="", scan="", newintents="", help=False, append=False)
* field (required): can be the field integer ID or string name * scan (optional): can be a single integer or integer string * newintents can be a list of intents or a single comma-delimited string * Set append=True to add the specified intent to the existing intents. * valid intents = ['AMPLITUDE', 'ATMOSPHERE', 'BANDPASS', 'DELAY', 'FLUX', 'PHASE', 'SIDEBAND_RATIO', 'TARGET', 'WVR', 'CALIBRATE_AMPLI', 'CALIBRATE_ATMOSPHERE', 'CALIBRATE_BANDPASS', 'CALIBRATE_DELAY', 'CALIBRATE_FLUX', 'CALIBRATE_PHASE', 'CALIBRATE_SIDEBAND_RATIO', 'OBSERVE_TARGET', 'CALIBRATE_WVR'] * Note: the first 9 are simply a shorthand way to specify the latter 9. * Enter as a list like above, or as single comma-delimited string.
au.editIntents('uid___A002_X142764_X24.ms', field=0, newintents='DELAY,PHASE,WVR')
au.editIntents('uid___A002_X142764_X24.ms', field='3c454.3', newintents=['DELAY','PHASE'])