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Help on table utilities (tb) tools:

lass table(__builtin__.object)
 |  table object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(...)
 |      x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
 |  __str__(...)
 |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)
 |  addcols(...)
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        desc:  Description of one or more columns
 |        dminfo:  Optional description data manager to use
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            desc
 |            dminfo
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  addreadmeline(...)
 |      add a readme line to the info record
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        value:  readme line
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            value
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  addrows(...)
 |      add a specified number of rows
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        nrow:  Number of rows to add 1
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            nrow      = 1
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  browse(...)
 |      browse a table using a graphical browser
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  calc(...)
 |      !!!NOT IMPLEMENTED!!! Calculate an expression on a table
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        expr:  Expression string
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            expr
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  clearlocks(...)
 |      Clears any table lock associated with the current process
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  close(...)
 |      close the table tool
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  colarraytype(...)
 |      return the column array type
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  coldatatype(...)
 |      return the column data type
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  colfieldnames(...)
 |      get the names of fields in a keyword in a column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  column name
 |        keyword:  keyword name
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            keyword
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  colkeywordnames(...)
 |      get the names of all keywords in a column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  column name
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  colnames(...)
 |      return the names of the columns
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  copy(...)
 |      copy a table
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        newtablename:  Name of newtable on disk
 |        deep:  Make a deep copy of a reference table? false
 |        valuecopy:  Make a deep copy of any table? false
 |        dminfo:  Data manager info for new table
 |        endian:  Endian format of new table aipsrc
 |        memorytable:  Hold new table in memory? false
 |        returnobject:  Return a tool object for the new table false
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            newtablename
 |            deep      = false
 |            valuecopy = false
 |            dminfo
 |            endian    = aipsrc
 |            memorytable       = false
 |            returnobject      = false
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  copyrows(...)
 |      copy rows from this table to another
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        outtable:  table object of output table
 |        startrowin:  First row to take from input table 0
 |        startrowout:  First row to write in output table, -1 (=end) -1
 |        nrow:  Nr of rows to copy, -1 (=all) -1
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            outtable
 |            startrowin        = 0
 |            startrowout       = -1
 |            nrow      = -1
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  datachanged(...)
 |      has data changed in table?
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  done(...)
 |      end the table tool
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  endianformat(...)
 |      get the endian format used for this table
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  fieldnames(...)
 |      get the names of fields in a table keyword
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        keyword:  keyword name
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            keyword
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  flush(...)
 |      flush the current contents to disk
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  fromASDM(...)
 |      Create an CASA table from an ASDM table
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        tablename:  Name of table to be created
 |        xmlfile:  Name of the XML file to be read
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            tablename
 |            xmlfile
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  fromascii(...)
 |      Create a casa table from a file containing data in ASCII format
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        tablename:  Name of table to be created
 |        asciifile:  Name of ASCII file to be read
 |        headerfile:  Name of an optional file defining the format
 |        autoheader:  Determine header information automatically false
 |        autoshape:  Shape to be used if autoheader=True -1
 |        sep:  Value separator
 |        commentmarker:  Regex indicating comment line
 |        firstline:  First line to use 0
 |        lastline:  Last line to use -1
 |        nomodify:  Open Read-only? true
 |        columnnames:  Column Names
 |        datatypes:  Data types
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            tablename
 |            asciifile
 |            headerfile
 |            autoheader        = false
 |            autoshape = [ -1 ]
 |            sep       =
 |            commentmarker
 |            firstline = 0
 |            lastline  = -1
 |            nomodify  = true
 |            columnnames       = [  ]
 |            datatypes = [  ]
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  fromfits(...)
 |      Create a casa table from a binary FITS file
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        tablename:  Name of table to be created
 |        fitsfile:  Name of FITS file to be read
 |        whichhdu:  Which HDU to read (0-relative to primary HDU i.e. 1 is the smallest valid value) 1
 |        storage:  Storage manager to use (standard or incremental or memory) standard standard incremental memory
 |        convention:  Convention to use (sdfits or none) none
 |        nomodify:  Open Read-only? true
 |        ack:  Acknowledge creations, etc true
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            tablename
 |            fitsfile
 |            whichhdu  = 1
 |            storage   = standard
 |            convention        = none
 |            nomodify  = true
 |            ack       = true
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  getcell(...)
 |      get a specific cell
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        rownr:  Row number, starting at 0 0
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            rownr     = 0
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  getcellslice(...)
 |      get a slice from a specific cell
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        rownr:  Row number, starting at 0
 |        blc:  Bottom left corner (e.g. [0,0,0] is start of 3D array)
 |        trc:  Top right corner
 |        incr:  Stride (defaults to 1 for all axes) 1
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            rownr
 |            blc
 |            trc
 |            incr      = [ 1 ]
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  getcol(...)
 |      get a specific column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        startrow:  First row to read (default 0) 0
 |        nrow:  Number of rows to read (default -1 means till the end) -1
 |        rowincr:  Increment in rows to read (default 1) 1
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            startrow  = 0
 |            nrow      = -1
 |            rowincr   = 1
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  getcoldesc(...)
 |      get the description of a specific column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  getcolkeyword(...)
 |      get value of specific column keyword
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        keyword:  Name or seqnr of keyword: string or int
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            keyword
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  getcolkeywords(...)
 |      get values of all keywords for a column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  getcolshapestring(...)
 |      get shape of arrays in a specific column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        startrow:  First row to read (default 0) 0
 |        nrow:  Number of rows to read (default -1 means till the end) -1
 |        rowincr:  Increment in rows to read (default 1) 1
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            startrow  = 0
 |            nrow      = -1
 |            rowincr   = 1
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  getcolslice(...)
 |      array
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        blc:  Bottom left corner (e.g. [0,0,0] is start of 3D array)
 |        trc:  Top right corner
 |        incr:  Stride (defaults to 1 for all axes)
 |        startrow:  First row to read (default 0) 0
 |        nrow:  Number of rows to read (default -1 means till the end) -1
 |        rowincr:  Increment in rows to read (default 1) 1
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            blc
 |            trc
 |            incr
 |            startrow  = 0
 |            nrow      = -1
 |            rowincr   = 1
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  getdesc(...)
 |      get the table description
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        actual:  actual table description? true
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            actual    = true
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  getdminfo(...)
 |      get the info about data managers
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  getkeyword(...)
 |      get value of specific table keyword
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        keyword:  Name or seqnr of keyword: string or int
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            keyword
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  getkeywords(...)
 |      get values of all table keywords
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  getvarcol(...)
 |      get a specific column (for variable arrays)
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        startrow:  First row to read (default 0) 0
 |        nrow:  Number of rows to read (default -1 means till the end) -1
 |        rowincr:  Increment in rows to read (default 1) 1
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            startrow  = 0
 |            nrow      = -1
 |            rowincr   = 1
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  haslock(...)
 |      has this process a lock on the table?
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        write:  Has it a write lock? (F=read lock) true
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            write     = true
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  iscelldefined(...)
 |      test if a specific cell contains a value
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        rownr:  Row number, starting at 0 0
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            rownr     = 0
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  ismultiused(...)
 |      is the table in use in another process?
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        checksubtables:  check if subtables are multiused?) false
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            checksubtables    = false
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  isscalarcol(...)
 |      is the specified column scalar?
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  isvarcol(...)
 |      tell if column contains variable shaped arrays
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  iswritable(...)
 |      is the table writable?
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  keywordnames(...)
 |      get the names of all table keywords
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  lock(...)
 |      acquire a lock on the table
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        write:  Write lock? (F=read lock) true
 |        nattempts:  Nr of attempts 0
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            write     = true
 |            nattempts = 0
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  lockoptions(...)
 |      get the lock options used for this table
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  name(...)
 |      return name of table on disk
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  ncols(...)
 |      return number of columns
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  nrows(...)
 |      return number of rows
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  ok(...)
 |      Is the table tool ok?
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  open(...)
 |      open an existing table
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        tablename:
 |        lockoptions:  locking to be used default
 |        nomodify:  true
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            tablename
 |            lockoptions
 |            nomodify  = true
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  putcell(...)
 |      put a specific cell
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        rownr:  Row number(s) (0-relative)
 |        thevalue:  Value
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            rownr
 |            thevalue
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  putcellslice(...)
 |      put a slice into a specific cell
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        rownr:  Row number, starting at 0
 |        value:  Value
 |        blc:  Bottom left corner (e.g. [0,0,0] is start of 3D array)
 |        trc:  Top right corner
 |        incr:  Stride (defaults to 1 for all axes) 1
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            rownr
 |            value
 |            blc
 |            trc
 |            incr      = [ 1 ]
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  putcol(...)
 |      put a specific column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        value:  Array
 |        startrow:  First row to put (default 0) 0
 |        nrow:  Number of rows to put (default -1 means till the end) -1
 |        rowincr:  Increment in rows to put (default 1) 1
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            value
 |            startrow  = 0
 |            nrow      = -1
 |            rowincr   = 1
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  putcolkeyword(...)
 |      put a specific keyword for a column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        keyword:  Name or seqnr of keyword,string or int
 |        value:  Value of keyword
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            keyword
 |            value
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  putcolkeywords(...)
 |      put multiple keywords for a column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        value:  Record of keyword=value pairs
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            value
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  putcolslice(...)
 |      put a slice into a specific column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        value:  Array
 |        blc:  Bottom left corner (e.g. [0,0,0] is start of 3D array)
 |        trc:  Top right corner
 |        incr:  Stride (defaults to 1 for all axes) 1
 |        startrow:  First row to put (default 0) 0
 |        nrow:  Number of rows to put (default -1 means till the end) -1
 |        rowincr:  Increment in rows to put (default 1) 1
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            value
 |            blc
 |            trc
 |            incr      = [ 1 ]
 |            startrow  = 0
 |            nrow      = -1
 |            rowincr   = 1
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  putinfo(...)
 |      set the info record
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        value:  Info record
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            value
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  putkeyword(...)
 |      put a specific table keyword
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        keyword:  Name or seqnr of keyword: string or int
 |        value:  Value of keyword
 |        makesubrecord:  Create intermediate records false
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            keyword
 |            value
 |            makesubrecord     = false
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  putkeywords(...)
 |      !!!BROKEN!!! put multiple table keywords
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        value:  Record of keyword=value pairs
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            value
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  putvarcol(...)
 |      put a specific column (for variable arrays)
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        value:  Record with values
 |        startrow:  First row to put (default 0) 0
 |        nrow:  Number of rows to put (default -1 means till the end) -1
 |        rowincr:  Increment in rows to put (default 1) 1
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            value
 |            startrow  = 0
 |            nrow      = -1
 |            rowincr   = 1
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  query(...)
 |      !!!PARTIAL IMPLEMENTATION!!! Make a table from a query
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        query:  Query string String
 |        name:  Name of resulting reference table
 |        sortlist:  Sort string (one or more expressions separated by commas)
 |        columns:  List of column names separated by commas
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            query     = String
 |            name
 |            sortlist
 |            columns
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  queryC(...)
 |      Alternative table query function
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        query:  the query expression
 |        resultTable:  Name of the results table
 |        sortlist:  Sort list of the results table
 |        columns:  Columns to return in the sort table, leave blank for all
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            query
 |            resultTable
 |            sortlist
 |            columns
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  removecolkeyword(...)
 |      remove a specific keyword for a column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        keyword:  Name or seqnr of keyword: string or int
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            keyword
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  removecols(...)
 |      remove one or more columns
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnames:  names of columns to be removed
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnames
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  removekeyword(...)
 |      remove a specific table keyword
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        keyword:  Name or seqnr of keyword: string or int
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            keyword
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  removerows(...)
 |      remove the specified rows
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        rownrs:  Row numbers to remove
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            rownrs
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  renamecol(...)
 |      rename a column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        oldname:  name of column to be renamed
 |        newname:  new name of column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            oldname
 |            newname
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  resync(...)
 |      resync the table tool with table file
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  rownumbers(...)
 |      !!!INPUT PARAMETERS IGNORED!!! return the row numbers in the (reference) table
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        tab:  Table to which the row numbers refer
 |        nbytes:  Maximum cache size in bytes
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            tab
 |            nbytes
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  selectrows(...)
 |      Make a table from a selection of rows
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        rownrs:  0-based Row Numbers
 |        name:  Name of resulting table
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            rownrs
 |            name
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  setmaxcachesize(...)
 |      set maximum cache size for column in the table
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        columnname:  Name of column
 |        nbytes:  Maximum cache size in bytes
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            columnname
 |            nbytes
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  statistics(...)
 |      Get statistics on the selected table column
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        column:  Column name
 |        complex_value:  Which derived value to use for complex columns (amp, amplitude, phase, imag, real, imaginary)
 |        useflags:  Use the data flags true
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            column
 |            complex_value
 |            useflags  = true
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  summary(...)
 |      summarize the contents of the table
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        recurse:  Summarize subtables recursively false
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            recurse   = false
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  toasciifmt(...)
 |      Write casa table into an ASCII format
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- Parameters  --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |        asciifile:  Name of ASCII file to be written
 |        headerfile:  Name of an optional file defining the format
 |        columns:  Names of columns to be written, default is all
 |        sep:  Value separator, default is one blank
 |      --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 |            asciifile
 |            headerfile
 |            columns   = [  ]
 |            sep
 |          ----------------------------------------
 |  unlock(...)
 |      unlock and flush the table
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x2b99606254c0>
 |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T