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Obtaining the Data

To download the data, go to the Science Portal SV page for the region closest to your location:

North America


East Asia

Chose a LBC SV science target: 13. Juno, 14. Mira, 15. HL Tau, or 16. SDP.81

There you will find gzipped tar files of the form (these files can be unpacked with the tar -xvzf command):

  • Target_Band_Freq_UnCalibratedData: Raw, uncalibrated data in ALMA Science Data Model (asdm) format
  • Target_Band_Freq_CalibrationScripts: Calibration scripts that go along with teh UnCalibratedData. These scripts can be executed once placed in the same directory as the UnCalibratedData
  • Target_Band_Freq_CalibratedData: Combined and calibrated uv-data. In the case of continuum datasets, an appropropriate amount of channel averaging has been applied to reduce the data size. Line data sets are provided at their full resolution. If self-calibration was possible, you will also find the final phase-only and amplitude tables in a subdirectory called "calibration". This gives the choice of either performing your own self-calibration or applying the supplied tables. If you are going to apply these tables, be sure to also run any 'flagdata' commands in the imaging scripts. Note that the imaging scripts are provided on this page, not at the science portal.
  • Target_Band_Freq_ReferenceImages: Final reference images with self-calibration applied where possible. For the few cases where primary beam correction is warranted these files are also provided. Images with .pbcor in the name have already been corrected. The files with .flux in the name are the primary beam images themselves and can be applied if wanted using the CASA task impbcor.