From CASA Guides
Stand-alone executable for CASA PlotMS.
Available arguments: * -h or --help Prints this message then exits. * vis=[ms] Path to MS used for initial plot. * xaxis=[axis], yaxis=[axis] Axes for initial plot (see documentation). * field=[val], spw=[val], timerange=[val], uvrange=[val], antenna=[val], scan=[val], corr=[val], array=[val], msselect=[val] MS Selection parameters for initial plot. * avgchannel[=val], avgtime[=val], avgscan, avgfield, avgbaseline, avgantenna, avgspw MS Averaging parameters for initial plot. * -p or --pixels Use pixels instead of symbols for initial plot. * -c or --cachedimagesizetoscreenresolution Toggles setting the cached image size to screen resolution. * -ll=[lvl] or --loglevel=[lvl] Sets the plotter's log level to the given (see documentation). * -ld or --logdebug Turns on/off logging debug messages.