M100 Band3 ACA 4.2.2

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M100 ACA Data Reduction


This part of the M100 Band 3 7m CASA guide will step you through the calibration of the visibility data. We will begin by flagging (marking as bad) data known to be useless before any inspection, for example data where one telescope blocks the line of sight of another. Then we will apply telescope-generated calibration tables to partially correct for atmospheric effects. After inspecting the data, we will flag some additional data that exhibit pathologies. Then we will use observations of the calibrators Titan and 3c279 to derive the phase and amplitude response of individual antennas as a function of time and frequency ("phase", "amplitude", and "bandpass" calibrations). We will apply these to the data and then extract the calibrated source data into a file appropriate for imaging.

The general procedure in this guide follows the other ALMA CASA guides: NGC3256Band3 and TWHydraBand7.