Archived ALMA CASAguides

From CASA Guides
Revision as of 17:14, 29 August 2024 by Estarr (talk | contribs)
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The following ALMA science verification guides and scripts have been validated for older versions of CASA, and will not continue to be updated for new CASA releases.

- The protoplanetary disk source TW Hya at Band 7 (0.87 mm). Last validated for CASA 4.3.
- The galaxy merger NGC 3256 at Band 3 (3 mm). Last validated for CASA 4.3.
- Imaging scripts and details for the 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign science verification data for Juno, Mira, HL Tau, and SDP.81. Last validated for CASA 4.2.2.
- Supplemental notes on the calibration of Science Verification target BR1202-0725 in CASA 3.3.