From CASA Guides
Help on imcontsub task:
Subtracts specified continuum channels from a spectral line data set For a spectral line image, the regions to determine the continuum regions are first defined. A graphical interface 'regions' is the most versatile method of selecting the line-free regions. For a multi-spw image, the chanellization must be the same for all. The continuum channels are specified and two output images are made: a continuum image and a continuum-subtracted spectral line image. The continuum subtraction can be applied to either the whole image (default) or a selected regions. Regions are specified via the box,chans, and stokes parameters or with a region file given by the region parameter. Keyword arguments: imagename -- Input spectral line image Default: none; Example: imagename='' linefile -- Name of output line image Default: none; Example: outline='' contfile -- Name of output continuum image Default: none; Example: contfile='' fitorder -- Polynomial order for the continuum estimation. Default: 0; Example fitorder=2 region -- ImageRegion file to define continuum Default: ''; none Example: region='' region='region1' Use the viewer on the image cube to define the continuum, regions. More general than box/chans. Still experimental to retrieve the list of names. box -- A box region on the directional plane ONLY pixel values acceptable at this time. Default: none (whole 2-D plane); Example: box='10,10,50,50' chans -- channel numbers go select for the continuum, ONLY channel numbers accepted at this time. Default: none (all); Example: chans='3~6;>40' stokes -- Stokes parameters to image, may or may not be separated by commas but best if you use commas. Default: none (all); Example: stokes='IQUV'; Options: 'I','Q','U','V','RR','RL','LR','LL','XX','YX','XY','YY', ...