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This page documents the planetPlots function of Python module analysisUtils.
By calling predictcomp, this function will create uv amplitude vs. uvdistance visibility plots for a specified date for the specified objects, frequencies and ALMA configurations. The output is a multipage collection of a grid of plots, one page per object, where rows are configurations and columns are frequencies.
date='2013-01-01', freqs = [100,230,345,690], standard = 'Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012',
alma_cycle=1, configs=None, showbl0flux=True, keepcl=False, keeppngs=False)
objects: comma-delimited string of planetary bodies
date: observing date, all plots are a 1-second snapshot at transit
freqs: a list of frequencies, in GHz
standard: the model in casa to use
alma_cycle: 0 or 1 (will automatically fill in the configs offered)
configs: alternative to alma_cycle, specify a list of configurations, such as: ['alma_cycle1_1.cfg','alma_cycle1_2.cfg']
showbl0flux: True/False, list the zero-baseline flux density in the legend
keepcl: True/False, keep or remove the component lists generated by predictcomp
keeppngs: True/False, keep or remove the individual pngs (leaving only the PDFs)
See setjy for a list of bodies.
CASA <3>: au.planetPlots(date='2012-11-20')
complete PDF
Single page extracted for Neptune: