AIPS-to-CASA Cheat Sheet

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Getting Started

For AIPS users who are learning CASA, it is intuitive to think about equivalent tasks between the two software packages. Below are some AIPS-to-CASA equivalent tasks; note that there is not always a one-to-one transformation between the two packages.

BLCAL BLCAL Calibrate amplitudes and phases in a baseline-based fashion.
BPASS bandpass Calibrate bandpasses
CALIB gaincal Calibrate gains (amplitudes and phases)
CLCAL applycal Apply calibration to data
COMB IMMATH Combine images
CPASS BANDPASS Calibrate bandpasses by polynomial fitting
DBCON CONCAT Concatenate uv datasets
DEFAULT DEFAULT Load a task with default parameters
FILLM IMPORTVLA Import old-format VLA data
FITLD IMPORTUVFITS Import a uv dataset which is in FITS format
FITLD IMPORTFITS Import an image which is in FITS format
FITTP EXPORTUVFITS Write a uv dataset to FITS format
FRING --- Calibrate group delays and phase rates.
GETJY FLUXSCALE Determine flux densities for other cals
GO GO Run a task
IMAGR CLEAN Image and deconvolve
IMFIT IMFIT Fit gaussian components to an image
IMHEAD VISHEAD View header for uv data
IMHEAD IMHEAD View header for an image
IMLIN IMCONTSUB Subtract continuum in image plane
IMSTAT IMSTAT Measure statistics on an image
INP INP View task parameters
JMFIT IMFIT Fit gaussian components to an image
LISTR LISTOBS Print basic data
MCAT LS List image data files
MOMNT IMMOMENTS Compute moments from an image
OHGEO IMREGRID Regrids an image onto another image's geometry
PBCOR IMMATH Correct an image for the primary beam
PCAL POLCAL Calibrate polarization
POSSM PLOTCAL Plot bandpass calibration tables
POSSM PLOTMS Plot spectra
PRTAN LISTOBS Print antenna locations
PRTAN PLOTANTS Plot antenna locations
QUACK FLAGDATA Remove first integrations from scans
SETJY SETJY Set flux densities for flux cals
SMOTH IMSMOOTH Smooth an image
SNPLT PLOTCAL Plot gain calibration tables
SPFLG VIEWER Flag raster image of time v. channel
SPLIT SPLIT Write out uv files for individual sources
TASK INP Load a task with current parameters
TGET TGET Load a task with parameters last used for that task
TVALL VIEWER Display image
TVFLG VIEWER Flag raster image of time v. baseline
UCAT LS List uv data files
UVLIN UVCONTSUB Subtract continuum from uv data
UVLSF UVCONTSUB Subtract continuum from uv data
WIPER PLOTMS Plot and flag UV data
ZAP RMTABLES Delete data files


--Laura Chomiuk 20:32, 10 February 2010 (UTC)