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Help on blcal task:
Calculate a baseline-based calibration solution (gain or bandpass) This task determines a baseline by baseline gain (time) or bandpass (freq) for all baseline pairs in the data set. For the usual antenna-based calibration of interferometric data, this task gaincal is recommended, even with only one to three baselines. For arrays with closure errors, use blcal Keyword arguments: vis -- Name of input visibility file default: none; example: vis='' caltable -- Name of output Gain calibration table default: none; example: caltable='ngc5921.gcal' --- Data Selection (see help par.selectdata for more detailed information) field -- Select field using field id(s) or field name(s). [run listobs to obtain the list id's or names] default: ''=all fields If field string is a non-negative integer, it is assumed a field index otherwise, it is assumed a field name field='0~2'; field ids 0,1,2 field='0,4,5~7'; field ids 0,4,5,6,7 field='3C286,3C295'; field named 3C286 adn 3C295 field = '3,4C*'; field id 3, all names starting with 4C spw -- Select spectral window/channels default: ''=all spectral windows and channels spw='0~2,4'; spectral windows 0,1,2,4 (all channels) spw='<2'; spectral windows less than 2 (i.e. 0,1) spw='0:5~61'; spw 0, channels 5 to 61 spw='0,10,3:3~45'; spw 0,10 all channels, spw 3, channels 3 to 45. spw='0~2:2~6'; spw 0,1,2 with channels 2 through 6 in each. spw='0:0~10;15~60'; spectral window 0 with channels 0-10,15-60 spw='0:0~10,1:20~30,2:1;2;3'; spw 0, channels 0-10, spw 1, channels 20-30, and spw 2, channels, 1,2 and 3 selectdata -- Other data selection parameters default: True timerange -- Select data based on time range: default = '' (all); examples, timerange = 'YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss~YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss' Note: if YYYY/MM/DD is missing dat defaults to first day in data set timerange='09:14:0~09:54:0' picks 40 min on first day timerange= '25:00:00~27:30:00' picks 1 hr to 3 hr 30min on next day timerange='09:44:00' data within one integration of time timerange='>10:24:00' data after this time uvrange -- Select data within uvrange (default units kilo-lambda) default: '' (all); example: uvrange='0~1000kl'; uvrange from 0-1000 kilo-lamgda uvrange='>4kl';uvranges greater than 4 kilo lambda uvrange='0~1000km'; uvrange in kilometers antenna -- Select data based on antenna/baseline default: '' (all) If antenna string is a non-negative integer, it is assumed an antenna index otherwise, it is assumed as an antenna name antenna='5&6'; baseline between antenna index 5 and index 6. antenna='VA05&VA06'; baseline between VLA antenna 5 and 6. antenna='5&6;7&8'; baseline 5-6 and 7-8 antenna='5'; all baselines with antenna 5 antenna='5,6,10'; all baselines with antennas 5 and 6 scan -- Scan number range - New, under developement msselect -- Optional complex data selection (ignore for now) solint -- Solution interval (units optional) default: 'inf' (~infinite, up to boundaries controlled by combine); Options: 'inf' (~infinite), 'int' (per integration), any float or integer value with or without units examples: solint='1m'; solint='60s', solint=60 --> 1 minute solint='0s'; solint=0; solint='int' --> per integration solint-'-1s'; solint='inf' --> ~infinite, up to boundaries enforced by combine combine -- Data axes to combine for solving default: 'scan' --> solutions will break at field and spw boundaries, but may extend over multiple scans (per field and spw) up to solint. Options: '','scan','spw',field', or any comma-separated combination example: combine='scan,spw' --> extend solutions over scan boundaries (up to the solint), and combine spws for solving freqdep -- Solve for frequency dependent solutions default: False (gain; True=bandpass); example: freqdep=True calmode -- Type of solution default: 'ap' (amp and phase); example: calmode='p' Options: 'p','a','ap' solnorm -- Normalize solutions. For freqdep=F, this is a global (per-spw) normalization of amplitudes (only). For freqdep=T, each baseline solution spectrum is separately normalized by its (complex) mean. default: False (no normalization) gaintable -- Gain calibration table(s) to apply default: '' (none); examples: gaintable='ngc5921.gcal' gaintable=['ngc5921.ampcal','ngc5921.phcal'] gainfield -- Select a subset of calibrators from gaintable(s) default:'' ==> all sources in table; same syntax as field example: gainfield='0~3' but may extend over multiple scans (per field and spw) up to solint. Options: '','scan','spw',field', or any comma-separated combination example: combine='scan,spw' --> extend solutions over scan boundaries (up to the solint), and combine spws for solving freqdep -- Solve for frequency dependent solutions default: False (gain; True=bandpass); example: freqdep=True calmode -- Type of solution default: 'ap' (amp and phase); example: calmode='p' Options: 'p','a','ap' solnorm -- Normalize solutions. For freqdep=F, this is a global (per-spw) normalization of amplitudes (only). For freqdep=T, each baseline solution spectrum is separately normalized by its (complex) mean. default: False (no normalization) gaintable -- Gain calibration table(s) to apply default: '' (none); examples: gaintable='ngc5921.gcal' gaintable=['ngc5921.ampcal','ngc5921.phcal'] gainfield -- Select a subset of calibrators from gaintable(s) default:'' ==> all sources in table; same syntax as field example: gainfield='0~3' gainfield=['0~3','4~6'] interp -- Interpolation mode (in time) to use for each gaintable default: '' --> 'linear' for all gaintable(s) example: interp='nearest' interp=['nearest','linear'] Options: 'nearest', 'linear', 'aipslin' spwmap -- Spectral windows combinations to form for gaintable(s) default: [] (apply solutions from each spw to that spw only) Example: spwmap=[0,0,1,1] means apply the caltable solutions from spw = 0 to the spw 0,1 and spw 1 to spw 2,3. spwmap=[[0,0,1,1],[0,1,0,1]] gaincurve -- Apply internal VLA antenna gain curve correction (True/False) default: False; Use gaincurve=True ONLY for VLA data opacity -- Opacity correction to apply (nepers) default: 0.0 (no opacity correction) example: opacity=0.051 Typical VLA values are: 5 GHz - 0.013, 8 GHz - 0.013 15 GHz - 0.016, 23 GHz - 0.051, 43 GHz - 0.07 parang -- If True, apply the parallactic angle correction (required for polarization calibration) default: False