Uploads by Jlinford
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This special page shows all uploaded files.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
20:11, 25 March 2022 | Vlba casacal ChoosingRefant1.png (file) | 93 KB | image for VLBA CASA Guide, Identifying Good Reference Antenna, Phase vs Freq | 1 | |
20:17, 25 March 2022 | Vlba casacal ChoosingRefant2.png (file) | 99 KB | image for VLBA CASA Guide, Choosing a Good Reference Antenna, amplitude vs freq | 1 | |
20:25, 25 March 2022 | Vlba casacal ChoosingTimerange1.png (file) | 101 KB | image for VLBA CASA Guide, Identifying a Good Time Range for Instrumental Delay Calibration, amplitude vs freq | 1 | |
20:26, 25 March 2022 | Vlba casacal ChoosingTimerange2.png (file) | 130 KB | image for VLBA CASA Guide, Identifying a Good Time Range for Instrumental Delay Calibration, amplitude vs time | 1 | |
20:41, 25 March 2022 | Vlba casacal FlagByHand1.png (file) | 103 KB | image for VLBA CASA Guide, Flagging By Hand, amp vs freq, HN low | 1 | |
20:42, 25 March 2022 | Vlba casacal FlagByHand2.png (file) | 97 KB | image for VLBA CASA Guide, Flagging By Hand, amp vs time, HN low | 1 | |
20:42, 25 March 2022 | Vlba casacal FlagByHand3.png (file) | 94 KB | image for VLBA CASA Guide, Flagging By Hand, amp vs time, spike on BR-PT | 1 | |
20:07, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal accorBRplot1.png (file) | 91 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, plot of accor solution table | 1 | |
20:08, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal accor smoothBRplot1.png (file) | 92 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, plot of smoothed accor solution table | 1 | |
20:17, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal tsys BR plot1.png (file) | 94 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, BR system temperatures | 1 | |
20:17, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal tsys FD plot1.png (file) | 97 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, FD system temperatures | 1 | |
20:17, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal tsys KP plot1.png (file) | 83 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, KP system temperatures | 1 | |
20:27, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal InstDelayCorr FD plot1.png (file) | 133 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, instrumental delay calibration table for FD, phase vs frequency. | 1 | |
20:37, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal GlobalFF HN DvT1.png (file) | 109 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, global fringe fitting solutions, Delay vs. time, HN | 1 | |
20:37, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal GlobalFF MK RvT1.png (file) | 108 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, global fringe fitting solutions, Delay-rate vs. time, MK | 1 | |
20:38, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal GlobalFF OV outliers1.png (file) | 96 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, global fringe fitting solutions, phase vs time, OV with outliers | 1 | |
20:39, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal GlobalFF OV outliersflagged1.png (file) | 103 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, global fringe fitting solutions, phase vs time, OV without outliers | 1 | |
20:39, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal GlobalFF PT PvT1.png (file) | 101 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, global fringe fitting solutions, phase vs time, PT | 1 | |
20:49, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal BR PvF corrected1.png (file) | 112 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, phase vs frequency for BR, with global fringefit corrections applied | 1 | |
20:50, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal BR PvF data1.png (file) | 120 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, phase vs frequency for BR, before global fringefit corrections have been applied | 1 | |
20:56, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal bpass corrected FDPT1.png (file) | 112 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, amplitude vs frequency for the FD-PT baseline, bandpass corrections applied | 1 | |
20:57, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal bpass corrected flagged FDPT1.png (file) | 102 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, amplitude vs frequency for the FD-PT baseline, bandpass corrections applied, edge channels flagged | 1 | |
20:58, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal bpass FD1.png (file) | 99 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, bandpass solutions for FD | 1 | |
21:29, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1154 UVplot MKSC1.png (file) | 93 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, J1154+6022, amplitude vs uv distance on MK-SC baseline, to get maximum baseline in units of waveleght | 1 | |
21:34, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1154 tclean first1.png (file) | 140 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, first dirty map of J1154+6022, running tclean for the first time | 1 | |
21:35, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1154 tclean first region1.png (file) | 96 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, tclean, J1154+6022 zoom + first clean region | 1 | |
21:36, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1154 tclean first stopclean1.png (file) | 103 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, tclean, stop cleaning on J1154+6022 when the region looks noise-like (you cannot tell where the source really is any more) | 1 | |
21:48, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1154 sc1 viewer boxes1.png (file) | 110 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, defining on-source and off-source regions on J1154+6022 for finding image statistics | 1 | |
22:04, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1154 delayrefine OV1.png (file) | 100 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, self-calibration solutions on OV for refining the delays on J1154+6022 | 1 | |
22:05, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1154 phaserefine MK1.png (file) | 107 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, self-calibration solutions on MK for refining the phases on J1154+6022 | 1 | |
22:11, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1154 amprefine LA1.png (file) | 95 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, amplitude self-calibration solutions on LA for J1154+6022 | 1 | |
22:12, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1154 amprefine NL1.png (file) | 97 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, amplitude self-calibration solutions on NL for J1154+6022 | 1 | |
22:12, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1154 amprefine OV1.png (file) | 102 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, amplitude self-calibration solutions on OV for J1154+6022 | 1 | |
22:25, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1203 tclean first region1.png (file) | 98 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, setting the clean region for J1203+6031 | 1 | |
22:26, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1203 tclean first region2.png (file) | 136 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, refining the clean region for J1203+6031 | 1 | |
22:26, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1203 tclean first stopcleaning1.png (file) | 305 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, stop cleaning on J1203+6031 when the residual image looks noise-like | 1 | |
22:32, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1203 imview1.png (file) | 166 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, image of J1203+6031 before any phase self-calibration | 1 | |
22:33, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1203 imview displaytools contours1.png (file) | 56 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, example of setting the contour levels in the Data Display Options GUI for the image viewer | 1 | |
22:34, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1203 imview displaytools raster1.png (file) | 50 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, example of adjusting the settings for the raster image in the Data Display Option GUI of the image viewer | 1 | |
22:44, 28 March 2022 | Vlba casacal J1203 imview finalimage1.png (file) | 148 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, final image of J1203+6031 after multiple iterations of phase self-calibration | 1 | |
22:48, 2 May 2022 | Vlba casacal ChoosingRefant1 RR.png (file) | 92 KB | Phase vs Frequency for the BR-LA baseline, right-hand circular polarization. | 1 | |
22:49, 2 May 2022 | Vlba casacal ChoosingRefant2 LL.png (file) | 93 KB | Amplitude vs frequency for the OV-PT baseline, left-hand circular polarization. | 1 | |
22:50, 2 May 2022 | Vlba casacal FlagByHand4.png (file) | 94 KB | Plotting amplitude vs time on the science target J1203+6031 reveals a problem on the BR-OV baseline in scan 93. | 1 | |
22:51, 2 May 2022 | Vlba casacal FlagByHand5.png (file) | 100 KB | Focusing on the BR-OV baseline, scan 93 on J1203+6031 shows the major problem is in the middle of the scan, but there is odd ringing behavior throughout the entire scan. | 1 | |
22:52, 2 May 2022 | Vlba casacal FlagByHand6.png (file) | 101 KB | Investigating FD-HN on scan 201 reveals that the problems are at the end of the scan; roughly the last third. | 1 | |
22:54, 2 May 2022 | Vlba casacal TFCrop1 tcut4 fcut3.png (file) | 142 KB | Running the TFCrop routine with the default flagdimension. Flagged data is in blue. The top row shows the data before the TFCrop flags are applied. The bottom row shows what the data will look like after the TFCRop flags are applied. Notice that TFCrop is aggressively flagging the edge channels. | 1 | |
22:56, 2 May 2022 | Vlba casacal TFCrop2 fdtime tcut4.png (file) | 140 KB | Running the TFCrop routine with flagdimension='time' and timecutoff=4.0. Now TFCrop leaves the edge channels alone. | 1 | |
21:34, 5 May 2022 | Vlba casacal bpass Phase MK1.png (file) | 93 KB | VLBA CASA Guide, Calibrating the Data, Bandpass Calibration. Bandpass solutions, phase vs frequency, for MK. | 1 | |
16:19, 20 August 2024 | Vlba SpectralLine W3OH scan14 ampVfreq.png (file) | 121 KB | Displaying amplitude vs frequency for scan 14 on W3OH. A strong maser line can be seen at all stations. However, Pie Town appears to have some serious RFI. | 1 | |
16:44, 20 August 2024 | Vlba SpectralLine J0102 ampvfreq allscans.png (file) | 147 KB | Amplitude vs frequency for each scan on the fringe finder J0102+5824. Notice that each scan appears to be contaminated with RFI. | 1 |