# This utility will extract gain curve information from the casa table and # draw a png plot file. It will also print the gain value at the specified # elevation. - Todd Hunter August 2011 # # Usage: getgain(elevation, antenna, band, # [optional argument: tableLocation]) # Elevations are in degrees, antennas are 1..28, with 29=PieTown and 0=mean # # Example: # from getgain import * # getgain(12, 'K') # from taskinit import * import numpy, sys, time, os import pylab as pl #defaultTableLocation = '/home/penns2/gmoellen/EVLA/GAINCURVES/GainCurves' defaultTableLocation = os.getenv("CASAPATH").split(' ')[0]+'/data/nrao/VLA/GainCurves' ############################################## def convertUnixtimeToMJD(seconds): return((seconds-1277163100)/86400.0+55368.98032) def gaincurve(c,za): return(c[0] + c[1]*za + c[2]*za**2 + c[3]*za**3) def usage(a): print 'getgain(elevation, antenna, band, [tableLocation])' print ' Elevs are in degrees, antennas are 1..28, with 29=Pie Town, 0=mean' def mjdToJD(MJD): """ Converts an MJD value to JD """ JD = MJD + 2400000.5 return(JD) def utdatestring(mjdsec): (mjd, dateTimeString) = mjdSecondsToMJDandUT(mjdsec) tokens = dateTimeString.split() return(tokens[0]) def mjdSecondsToMJDandUT(mjdsec): """ Converts a value of MJD seconds into MJD, and into a UT date/time string. For example: 2011-01-04 13:10:04 UT Caveat: only works for a scalar input value Todd Hunter """ today = me.epoch('utc','today') mjd = mjdsec / 86400. today['m0']['value'] = mjd hhmmss = qa.time(today['m0']) date = qa.splitdate(today['m0']) utstring = "%s-%02d-%02d %s UT" % (date['year'],date['month'],date['monthday'],hhmmss) return(mjd, utstring) def dateStringToMJDSec(datestring='2011/10/15', datestring2='', verbose=True): """ Converts a date string into MJD seconds. This is useful for passing time ranges to plotms, because they must be specified in mjd seconds. Either of these formats is valid (with or without the time): 2011/10/15 2011-10-15 If a second string is given, both values will be converted and a string will be created that can be used as a plotrange in plotms. Todd Hunter """ mydate = datestring.split() if (len(mydate) < 2): mydate = datestring.split('-') if (len(mydate) > 2): # e.g. we entered '2012-10-01' mydate = [datestring] hours = 0 myme = create_casa_tool(metool) mjd = myme.epoch('utc',mydate[0].replace('-','/'))['m0']['value'] + hours/24. mjdsec = 86400*mjd if (verbose): print "MJD= %.5f, MJDseconds= %.1f, JD= %.5f" % (mjd, mjdsec, mjdToJD(mjd)) if (len(datestring2) > 0): mydate2 = datestring2.split() if (len(mydate2) < 1): return(mjdsec) if (len(mydate2) < 2): mydate2 = datestring2.split('-') hours = 0 if (len(mydate2) > 1): mytime2 = (mydate2[1]).split(':') if (len(mytime2) > 1): for i in range(len(mytime2)): hours += float(mytime2[i])/(60.0**i) # print "hours = %f" % (hours) mjd = myme.epoch('utc',mydate2[0])['m0']['value'] + hours/24. mjdsec2 = mjd*86400 print "plotrange = [%.1f, %.1f, 0, 0]" % (mjdsec, mjdsec2) print "plotrange = '%.0f~%.0f'" % (mjdsec, mjdsec2) return([mjdsec,mjdsec2]) else: return(mjdsec) def create_casa_tool(mytool): """ A wrapper to handle the changing ways in which casa tools are invoked. Note: For the at tool, this will not work for casa 4.x. Instead, you must use: myat = casac.atmosphere Todd Hunter """ if (type(casac.Quantity) != type): # casa 4.x myt = mytool() else: # casa 3.x myt = mytool.create() return(myt) def getgain(myAntenna, myBand, myElev=60, tableLocation='', date=''): """ This function will extract the gain curve for a specified JVLA antenna and receiver band for the current date and produce a plot vs. elevation. It will also list the gain for a specified elevation. Elevations are in degrees, antennas are 1..28,29=PieTown,30=all, and 0=mean Default date is today, but can be specified as follows: Either of these formats is valid: 2011/10/15 2011/10/15 05:00:00 2011/10/15-05:00:00 Todd Hunter """ if (type(myAntenna) == str): loc = myAntenna.find('ea') if (loc >= 0): myAntenna = int(myAntenna[loc+2:]) else: myAntenna = int(str) if (myAntenna < 0 or myAntenna > 30): print "Invalid antenna number, must be 1..28,29=PieTown,30=all or 0=mean" return print "elev=%f" % (myElev) print "band=%s" % (myBand) if (myAntenna == 30): showall = True myAntenna = 0 antennaList = range(1,29) antennaList.append(0) else: antennaList = [myAntenna] showall = False print "antenna=%d" % (myAntenna) if (date == ''): currentMJDsec = 86400*convertUnixtimeToMJD(time.time()) print "current time = %f" % (currentMJDsec) else: currentMJDsec = dateStringToMJDSec(datestring=date) if (tableLocation == ''): tableLocation = defaultTableLocation try: tb.open(tablename=tableLocation) print "Using table = ", tableLocation except: print "Could not open table = ", tableLocation return antennaNumbers = tb.getcol('ANTENNA') bands = tb.getcol('BANDNAME') begintime = tb.getcol('BTIME') endtime = tb.getcol('ETIME') gains = tb.getcol('GAIN') index = numpy.where(bands == myBand) try: print "There are %d rows with band %s" % (len(index[0]), myBand) except: print "Found no entries for band %s" % (myBand) pl.clf() desc = pl.subplot(111) pl.hold(True) for myAntenna in antennaList: yindex = numpy.where(antennaNumbers[index[0]] == str(myAntenna)) rows = index[0][yindex[0]] list = '' for i in rows: list += "%d " % (i) print "There are %d rows with antenna %d and band %s: %s" % (len(yindex[0]), myAntenna, myBand, list) print "Corresponding to dates: " for i in rows: print " %d: %s" % (i, utdatestring(begintime[i])) tindex = numpy.where(begintime[rows] < currentMJDsec) tindex = numpy.where(endtime[rows[tindex[0]]] > currentMJDsec) row = rows[tindex[0]] if (len(row) < 1): closestInterval = 1e10 for i in rows: interval0 = abs(begintime[i]-currentMJDsec) interval1 = abs(endtime[i]-currentMJDsec) interval = interval1 if (interval0 < interval1): interval = interval0 if (interval < closestInterval and i != 895): closestInterval = interval row = i else: if (numpy.size(row) > 1): row = row[0] closestInterval = abs(begintime[row]-currentMJDsec) print "Using closest prior measurement in time: row %d (%.0f days away)" %(row,closestInterval/86400.) pol = 0 c = [] for i in range(4): c.append(gains[i][pol][row]) myZA = 90-myElev myGain = gaincurve(c,myZA) print "gain=%f at ZA=%.1f or EL=%.1f" % (myGain,myZA,myElev) ZA = numpy.arange(90) gain = [] for i in ZA: gain.append(gaincurve(c,i)) elev = 90-ZA if (showall and myAntenna==0): pl.plot(elev,gain,'k',lw=4) else: pl.plot(elev,gain) # end 'for' loop over antennaList pl.xlabel("Elevation (deg)",size=18) pl.ylabel("Relative gain", size=18) desc.xaxis.grid(True, which='major') desc.yaxis.grid(True, which='major') datestring = utdatestring(currentMJDsec) datestring = utdatestring(begintime[row]) outname = 'gaincurve.%s.%d.png'%(myBand,myAntenna) if (showall): outname = 'gaincurves.%s.png'%(myBand) pl.title("JVLA gain curves for %s band (%s)"%(myBand,datestring), size=18) elif (myAntenna == 0): pl.title("Mean JVLA gain curve for %s band (%s)"%(myBand,datestring), size=18) elif (myAntenna == 29): pl.title("JVLA gain curve for Pie Town at %s band (%s)"%(myBand,datestring), size=18) else: pl.title("JVLA gain curve for antenna %d at %s band (%s)"%(myAntenna,myBand,datestring),size=18) if (os.access('.',os.W_OK)): pl.savefig(outname,format='png',dpi=108) else: print "Could not write plot to current directory. Will write to /tmp" outname = '/tmp/' + outname pl.savefig(outname,format='png',dpi=108) pl.draw() print "Plot stored in %s" % (outname) tb.close() return(myGain)