Summary: *Band 7: #1) asdm2MS-64: usually some rows missing, but it does not prevent from reducing the data. #2) Phase calibrator is 3c279 (19 deg from antennae). In band 6 the phase calibrator is J1127-1857 (8 deg. away from antennae). In band 6 datasets, large offsets are seen between 3c279 and J1127-1857 in some baselines. We will need to quantify how much that offset will affect the image in band 7. #3) Continuum phase: *&PM03, corr=YY, spw=3. Need to be flagged. #4) Phase jumps observed in some antennas. PM01,PM03 and other antennas seem to have unstable phase behaviour. #5) Flux calibration: Titan has a strong line (spw=1). Also there is a weaker line in spw=3. Need to remove that contribution in the flux calibration. #6) Spectrum phase: DV02 10deg peak to peak noise. #7) Antennae: Line was detected in spectrum in all the datasets. #8) Projects SCIVER - Antennae B7 CO(3-2) - Titan AmpCal " the USB data (BB3) was moved to the LSB, which seems a problem of the freqs written in the ASDM. Do not to mix BB1 with the other BB3. #Spectrum phase: DV12 spw=1 corr=YY some negative peaks ***************BAND 7****************** B7 north ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- asdm="uid___A002_X1ff7b0_Xb" 2011-07-13 03:09:43 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 0-3: 'DV02'='A015', 'DV04'='J505', 'DV06'='T704', 'DV07'='A004', 2011-07-13 03:09:43 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 4-7: 'DV08'='A072', 'DV09'='A008', 'DV10'='A009', 'DV11'='A016', 2011-07-13 03:09:43 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 8-10: 'PM01'='T702', 'PM02'='A017', 'PM03'='J504' It seems that the upper sideband has an offsetÉ 2011-07-14 07:36:01 INFO PlotMS::summary+ 0 82 TOPO 344834.355 22949.2188 1875000 344834.355 XX YY 2011-07-14 07:36:01 INFO PlotMS::summary+ 1 82 TOPO 356834.355 22949.2188 1875000 356834.355 XX YY while it should be: 2011-07-14 07:34:43 INFO PlotMS::summary+ 0 82 TOPO 344834.355 22949.2188 1875000 344834.355 XX YY 2011-07-14 07:34:43 INFO PlotMS::summary+ 1 82 TOPO 354982.305 22949.2188 1875000 354982.305 XX YY #Quality: good #wvr: cal table created succesfully. #Antennas: 11 #Tsys: DV04 Tsys huge in comparison with the other antennas (AIV-4694) flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='DV04') #El. From 80 to 60, calibrator increasingly separated. #Continuum phase: *&DV09, sudden change of ~ 200 deg. at 2:03:20, but I think it can be calibrated. #Continuum phase: *&PM03, corr=YY, spw=3, need to be flagged. flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='PM03',correlation='YY',spw='3') #Continuum phase: Phase jump ~ 30 deg in DV02&DV04 and DV04&DV07. wvr corrected makes it better, so there is no need to flag I think. flagmanager(vis =directory+ asdm+'.ms',mode = 'save',versionname = 'FlagFinal') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- asdm="uid___A002_X207fe4_X3a" 2011-07-13 03:09:08 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 0-3: 'DV02'='A015', 'DV04'='J505', 'DV05'='A067', 'DV06'='T704', 2011-07-13 03:09:08 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 4-7: 'DV07'='A004', 'DV08'='A072', 'DV09'='A008', 'DV10'='A009', 2011-07-13 03:09:08 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 8-11: 'DV11'='A016', 'DV12'='A011', 'PM01'='T702', 'PM03'='J504' #Quality: ~, phase scatter is ~twice higher than other datasets, spectrum phase is not flat, delay problem? #wvr: ok #Antennas: 12 #tsys: DV04 is slightly above the others (AIV-4694). Several antennas have ripples in the spectrum. Probably no need to flag. # - Phase fluctuation was large in the beginning, bandpass # - DV04 Trx/Tsys was higher than the other antennas # - PM01 Pol Y total power jumps (AIV-4260) # - CDMP reported "RES DELAY FAILURE" (CSV-859) #Source is at ~20 deg higher elevation than calibrators. Antennae ~ 60 while calibrator is at ~40 deg. #Continuum phase: large scatter, ~ 100 deg. Specially first scan of phase calibrator. Bandpass scans are a bit noisy. First scan on phase calibrator is noisy. Flagged manually in plotms. #Continuum phase: Small phase jumps ~ 20 deg *&PM01 and *&PM03. Don't think that it is just the atmosphere, as even short baselines show these small jumps. #Continuum phase: DV09 phase jump. Flag: 21:24:09~21:35:35 flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='DV09',timerange='21:24:09~21:35:35') #Spectrum phase. *&PM03,spw=3,corr='YY' need to be removed. Weird behaviour also found in amplitude. flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='PM03',correlation='YY',spw='3') #Spectrum amp. DV08,DV06? few subscans need to be removed in the first scan (phase calibration). Confirmed in Continuum amp. Flagged manually in plotms. #Spectrum phase. Phases not flat in most baselines. delay problem. It can be calibrated. #Spectrum phase: DV12 spw=1 corr=YY some negative peaks flagdata(vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',antenna='DV12',spw='1:638~641;1663~1664;2430~2433',correlation='YY') #Antennae: Line is detected. flagmanager(vis =directory+ asdm+'.ms',mode = 'save',versionname = 'FlagFinal') Check whether continuum phase is flat after gain calibration in *&PM01 and *&PM03. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- asdm="uid___A002_X207fe4_X3b9" (similar as uid___A002_X207fe4_X3a) 2011-07-13 03:08:32 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 0-3: 'DV02'='A015', 'DV04'='J505', 'DV05'='A067', 'DV06'='T704', 2011-07-13 03:08:32 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 4-7: 'DV07'='A004', 'DV08'='A072', 'DV09'='A008', 'DV10'='A009', 2011-07-13 03:08:32 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 8-11: 'DV11'='A016', 'DV12'='A011', 'PM01'='T702', 'PM03'='J504' #Quality= ~, half of the track was lost. #wvr: ok #Antennas: 12 #tsys ok. some ripples in DV04. tsys are double. #Last scan on calibrator was not observed. Need to flag last scans on source. flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',timerange='00:53:47~01:08:00') #Spectrum phase: DV02 10deg peak to peak noise #Continuum amplitude. antenna='PM03',spw='3',correlation='YY' flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='PM03',correlation='YY',spw='3') #Spectrum phase: DV12 spw=1 corr=YY some negative peaks flagdata(vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',antenna='DV12',spw='1:638~641;1663~1664;2430~2433',correlation='YY') flagmanager(vis =directory+ asdm+'.ms',mode = 'save',versionname = 'FlagFinal') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- asdm="uid___A002_X2181fb_X49" 2011-07-13 03:10:06 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 0-3: 'DV01'='A137', 'DV02'='A015', 'DV04'='J505', 'DV05'='A067', 2011-07-13 03:10:06 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 4-7: 'DV06'='T704', 'DV07'='A004', 'DV08'='A072', 'DV09'='A008', 2011-07-13 03:10:06 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 8-11: 'DV10'='A009', 'DV11'='A016', 'DV12'='A011', 'DV13'='A075', 2011-07-13 03:10:06 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 12-13: 'PM01'='T702', 'PM03'='J504' #Quality: very good #wvr: ok #Antennas: 14 #tsys some ripples in DV04. tsys are double.ripples in other antenna! #Continuum phase: *&PM01 and *&PM03,corr=XX, YY phase jump ~ 30-50 deg. #DV13 phase not flat #DV02,spw=3,corr=YY ripples phase 20deg peak to peak #PM03,spw=3,corr=YY is fine! #Continuum phase: PM01 phase jump at 03:26:40? #Continuum amp: DV02, some data is flagged due to shadowing. #Spectrum phase: DV12 spw=1 corr=YY some negative peaks flagdata(vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',antenna='DV12',spw='1:638~641;1663~1664;2430~2433',correlation='YY') flagmanager(vis =directory+ asdm+'.ms',mode = 'save',versionname = 'FlagFinal') There are suspicious little (continuum) phase jumps in PM01? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- asdm="uid___A002_X215db8_X18" 2011-07-13 03:05:52 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 0-3: 'DV02'='A015', 'DV04'='J505', 'DV05'='A067', 'DV06'='T704', 2011-07-13 03:05:52 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 4-7: 'DV07'='A004', 'DV08'='A072', 'DV09'='A008', 'DV10'='A009', 2011-07-13 03:05:52 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 8-11: 'DV11'='A016', 'DV12'='A011', 'DV13'='A075', 'PM01'='T702', 2011-07-13 03:05:52 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 12-12: 'PM03'='J504' #Quality: ~, suspicious little phase jumps in many baselines. #tsys ok. some ripples in DV04. tsys are reasonable. #ripples in other antenna! #Antennas: 13 #Source is at ~20 deg higher elevation than calibrators. Antenna ~ 40 while calibrator is at ~20 deg. #Continuum phase: large scatter, ~ 100 deg. #Continuum phase: Phase jump ~ 100 deg at 20:20:00. DV02 & DV04, DV02 & PM01, DV02 & PM03, DV04 & DV05,DV07,DV08,DV09, ... . DV05 & DV06, DV08 & PM01. DV11 & PM01. Since we see it in many baselines and the two polarization, and not only associated to one antennas, probably true due to the atmosphere fluctuations? Flagging part of the data is required? #DV04,DV06,PM01 20:37 #DV11 20:30? #Continuum phase: Phase calibrator is missing in * & DV10 between 19:46:20 and 20:34:40. This corresponds to flagged data due to shadowing. The data of the source need to be removed. Some subscans of 3c279 in the first scan need to be flagged too. flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='DV10',timerange='19:46:20~20:34:40') #Continuum phase: DV13 is all scatter, even corrected by wvr. Delay errors? Can this be corrected? #Spectrum phase: DV13's phase scatter is large ~ 50 deg peak to peak, while other antennas < 10 deg. flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='DV13') #Continuum phase: Phase jump ~ 100 deg at 20:36:40. DV06&DV09. #Bandpass amp. Some subscans are very low in DV04&DV08, DV08&PM01, PM03. DV08 few subscans need to be removed in the first scan (phase calibration). Confirmed in Continuum amp. Manually flagged every baseline, for bandpass cal. and first scan on phase cal. flagmanager(vis =directory+ asdm+'.ms',mode = 'save',versionname = 'FlagFinal') There are suspicious little phase jumps in many baselines. I will assume it is atmospheric effect. WVR cannot remove this effect though. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #B7 south ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- asdm="uid___A002_X1ff7b0_X1c8" 2011-07-13 03:06:56 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 0-3: 'DV02'='A015', 'DV04'='J505', 'DV06'='T704', 'DV07'='A004', 2011-07-13 03:06:56 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 4-7: 'DV08'='A072', 'DV09'='A008', 'DV10'='A009', 'DV11'='A016', 2011-07-13 03:06:56 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 8-10: 'PM01'='T702', 'PM02'='A017', 'PM03'='J504' #Quality: good #wvr: ok #tsys: DV04 Tsys are huge. Need to be flagged. flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='DV04') #Source is at ~10 deg higher elevation than calibrators. From 70 - 30 degs. #Continuum phase: shadowing in antennas. # *&DV09 03:18:14 - 04:16:40 can be flagged because there is no data on source. Is being flagged because of shadowing? Elevations are > 30 deg. # *&PM01, *&PM02, *&PM03 Weird variation in phase at 03:44:31. Amplitude looks ok. I think it can be calibrated. #Continuum amp: flux calibrator flagged? #Spectrum amp. DV08,DV06? few subscans need to be removed in the first scan (phase calibration). Confirmed in Continuum amp. #Spectrum phase. *&PM03,spw=3,corr='YY' need to be removed. Same thing in amplitude. flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='PM03',correlation='YY',spw='3') flagmanager(vis =directory+ asdm+'.ms',mode = 'save',versionname = 'FlagFinal') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- asdm="uid___A002_X207fe4_X1f7" 2011-07-13 03:07:24 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 0-3: 'DV02'='A015', 'DV04'='J505', 'DV05'='A067', 'DV06'='T704', 2011-07-13 03:07:24 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 4-7: 'DV07'='A004', 'DV08'='A072', 'DV09'='A008', 'DV10'='A009', 2011-07-13 03:07:24 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 8-11: 'DV11'='A016', 'DV12'='A011', 'PM01'='T702', 'PM03'='J504' #Quality= good, but phase jumps apparent in DV09, PM01 and PM03. #wvr: ok #tsys ok. some ripples in DV04. tsys are double. #Antennas: 12 #Spectrum phase: DV02 10deg peak to peak noise #Spectrum phase. *&PM03,spw=3,corr='YY' need to be removed. Same thing in amplitude. flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='PM03',correlation='YY',spw='3') #Continuum phase: Phase jumps: DV09 23:58:54~24:10:00 PM01, PM03: 23:16:50~24:10:00. Why the two antennas show phase jumps at the same time? flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='DV09',timerange='23:30:52~24:10:00') flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='PM01',timerange='23:16:50~24:10:00') flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='PM03',timerange='23:16:50~24:10:00') #Continuum amplitude: bandpass calibrator, some subscans flagged manually due to low amplitudes. flagmanager(vis =directory+ asdm+'.ms',mode = 'save',versionname = 'FlagFinal') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- asdm="uid___A002_X207fe4_X4d7" 2011-07-13 03:07:54 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 0-3: 'DV02'='A015', 'DV04'='J505', 'DV05'='A067', 'DV06'='T704', 2011-07-13 03:07:54 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 4-7: 'DV07'='A004', 'DV08'='A072', 'DV09'='A008', 'DV11'='A016', 2011-07-13 03:07:54 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 8-10: 'DV12'='A011', 'PM01'='T702', 'PM03'='J504' #Quality: good. Not complete dataset. #wvr: ok #tsys some ripples in DV04. tsys are double. ripples in other antennas. #Antennas: 11 #Source ~ 50-60 deg while calibrator is at ~60-70 deg. #Spectrum phase: DV02,spw=3,corr=YY ripples phase 20deg peak to peak #Spectrum phase: *&PM03,spw=3,corr=YY need to be flagged. flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='PM03',correlation='YY',spw='3') flagmanager(vis =directory+ asdm+'.ms',mode = 'save',versionname = 'FlagFinal') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- asdm="uid___A002_X215db8_X1d5" 2011-07-13 03:10:33 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 0-3: 'DV02'='A015', 'DV04'='J505', 'DV05'='A067', 'DV06'='T704', 2011-07-13 03:10:33 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 4-7: 'DV07'='A004', 'DV08'='A072', 'DV09'='A008', 'DV10'='A009', 2011-07-13 03:10:33 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 8-11: 'DV11'='A016', 'DV12'='A011', 'DV13'='A075', 'PM01'='T702', 2011-07-13 03:10:33 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 12-12: 'PM03'='J504' #Quality= good, but maybe phase jumps in some antennas? #wvr: ok #tsys ok. some ripples in DV04. tsys are double #Antennas: 13 #Continuum phase: DV13 phase is wrapping flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='DV13') #Continuum phase: DV04,PM01,PM03 phase jump between first 2 scans? #Spectrum phase: DV02 10deg peak to peak noise #Spectrum phase: DV12 spw=1 corr=YY some negative peaks flagdata(vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',antenna='DV12',spw='1:638~641;1663~1664;2430~2433',correlation='YY') flagmanager(vis =directory+ asdm+'.ms',mode = 'save',versionname = 'FlagFinal') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- asdm="uid___A002_X215db8_X392" 2011-07-13 03:10:54 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 0-3: 'DV02'='A015', 'DV04'='J505', 'DV05'='A067', 'DV06'='T704', 2011-07-13 03:10:54 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 4-7: 'DV07'='A004', 'DV08'='A072', 'DV09'='A008', 'DV10'='A009', 2011-07-13 03:10:54 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 8-11: 'DV11'='A016', 'DV12'='A011', 'DV13'='A075', 'PM01'='T702', 2011-07-13 03:10:54 INFO PlotMS::summary+ ID= 12-12: 'PM03'='J504' #Quality: very good #tsys some ripples in DV04. tsys are double. #Antennas: 13 #Similar elevation for both calibrator and source, ~ 70 deg. #Continuum phase: DV13's phase is wrapping (phase vs time). Amplitude vs time looks fine. Delay problem. flagdata(flagbackup = F,vis = directory+asdm+'.ms',mode='manualflag',antenna='DV13') #Continuum amp: DV06 jump in amplitude between the first two scans. #Bandpass amp: Ripples in the bandpass amplitude, for example: DV02 & PM01, DV05 & PM01, DV08 & PM01, etc. which means it is PM01 especially in spw=1, DV06 & DV09, especially in spw=3. peak to peak ~ 10%. Bandpass calibration should fix thisÉ #Bandpass phase, DV02 has twice larger noise in one corr, but still OK I think. flagmanager(vis =directory+ asdm+'.ms',mode = 'save',versionname = 'FlagFinal') -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------