import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # update the image output'3C75_chan8.image') tt = ia.getchunk() #update the number of channels which should be 512 #update the number of channels to 512 nu = np.linspace(2.551e9,3.319e9,num=8) c = 2.99792458e8 #lam = c/nu #lamsq = lam*lam #update the number of channels to 512 Q1 = tt[488,531,1,:8] U1 = tt[488,531,2,:8] Q2 = tt[494,511,1,:8] U2 = tt[494,511,2,:8] Q3 = tt[529,551,1,:8] U3 = tt[529,551,2,:8] Q4 = tt[525,534,1,:8] U4 = tt[525,534,2,:8] chi1 = 0.5*np.arctan2(U1,Q1) chi2 = 0.5*np.arctan2(U2,Q2) chi3 = 0.5*np.arctan2(U3,Q3) chi4 = 0.5*np.arctan2(U4,Q4) #locate the values that are nan and delete these indices from nu indx1=np.argwhere(chi1==0) indx2=np.argwhere(chi2==0) indx3=np.argwhere(chi3==0) indx4=np.argwhere(chi4==0) nu1=np.delete(nu,indx1) lam1 = c/nu1 lamsq1 = lam1*lam1 nu2=np.delete(nu,indx2) lam2 = c/nu2 lamsq2 = lam2*lam2 nu3=np.delete(nu,indx3) lam3 = c/nu3 lamsq3 = lam3*lam3 nu4=np.delete(nu,indx4) lam4 = c/nu4 lamsq4 = lam4*lam4 #drop the nan values chi1=np.delete(chi1,indx1) chi2=np.delete(chi2,indx2) chi3=np.delete(chi3,indx3) chi4=np.delete(chi4,indx4) fit1 = np.polyfit(lamsq1,chi1,1) fit_fn1 = np.poly1d(fit1) slope1 = fit1[0] intercept1 = fit1[1] fit2 = np.polyfit(lamsq2,chi2,1) fit_fn2 = np.poly1d(fit2) slope2 = fit2[0] intercept2 = fit2[1] fit3 = np.polyfit(lamsq3,chi3,1) fit_fn3 = np.poly1d(fit3) slope3 = fit3[0] intercept3 = fit3[1] fit4 = np.polyfit(lamsq4,chi4,1) fit_fn4 = np.poly1d(fit4) slope4 = fit4[0] intercept4 = fit4[1] plt.figure(1) plt.title('Overall Title') plt.subplot(221) plt.title('Point 1: (488,531)') plt.xlabel(r'$\lambda^{2}$') plt.ylabel(r'$\chi1$') plt.scatter(lamsq1,chi1,color='r') plt.plot(lamsq1,fit_fn1(lamsq1),'r--',label='$\chi$ = {:.2f}$\lambda^2$ + {:.2f}'.format(slope1,intercept1)) plt.legend(loc=2) plt.subplot(222) plt.title('Point 2: (494,511)') plt.xlabel(r'$\lambda^{2}$') plt.ylabel(r'$\chi2$') plt.scatter(lamsq2,chi2,color='b') plt.plot(lamsq2,fit_fn2(lamsq2),'b--',label='$\chi$ = {:.2f}$\lambda^2$ + {:.2f}'.format(slope2,intercept2)) plt.legend(loc=1) plt.subplot(223) plt.title('Point 3: (529,551)') plt.xlabel(r'$\lambda^{2}$') plt.ylabel(r'$\chi3$') plt.scatter(lamsq3,chi3,color='g') plt.plot(lamsq3,fit_fn3(lamsq3),'g--',label='$\chi$ = {:.2f}$\lambda^2$ + {:.2f}'.format(slope3,intercept3)) plt.legend(loc=3) plt.subplot(224) plt.title('Point 4: (525,534)') plt.xlabel(r'$\lambda^{2}$') plt.ylabel(r'$\chi4$') plt.scatter(lamsq4,chi4,color='m') plt.plot(lamsq4,fit_fn4(lamsq4),'m--',label='$\chi$ = {:.2f}$\lambda^2$ + {:.2f}'.format(slope4,intercept4)) plt.legend(loc=1) plt.tight_layout() ia.close()