# The following assumes standard calibration of the amplitude calibrator and # science target via the script generator. # Examples of each are provided in: # Amplitude Calibrator: uid___A002_X86fcfa_X3ae.ms.scriptForSDCalibration.py # Science target: uid___A002_X86fcfa_X664.ms.scriptForSDCalibration.py # # Below is the procedure to achieve a fully calibrated TP Science image, # in Jansky/beam units, taking as input a set of calibrated Science and # Amplitude Calibrator datasets (in units of Kelvin). # # 1. Image the amplitude calibrator and measure the value of Jy/K from the image # (values should be obtained for each night data is taken and for each spw and antenna) # # 2. Convert the science target units from Kelvin to Jansky # (treating each night's data and each spw separately) # # 3. Image the science target # (combining data from all antennas) # # 4. Optionally subtract a residual background from the image # (currently, this is likely necessary in most cases; in future, improvements # in the sdbaseline task should remove the need for this step) # # 5. Apply the restoring beam to the science image ### scriptForImagingAmpCalAndDerivingJyPerK.py deals with STEP 2. ### ### Tested in CASA Version 4.3.0 ### # Prior to running this script, scriptForImagingAmpCalAndDerivingJyPerK.py # must have been run. ### 2. Convert the science target units from Kelvin to Jansky ### # The script scriptForImagingAmpCalAndDerivingJyPerK.py must first have been # run in order to get the list of Jy/K values that are given below # Ideally these should be written to a file and read by this script # but for now they are entered manually. # List the science spws spwlist = [17, 19, 21, 23] # the science spws # List the Jy/K values (corresponding to the list of the science spws above) # that were the output from scriptForImagingAmpCalAndDerivingJyPerK.py jyperklist0701 = [41.37, 42.39, 43.45, 42.82] jyperklist0705 = [40.99, 42.74, 40.08, 42.09] jyperklist0707 = [39.42, 42.08, 40.18, 40.82] jyperklist0717 = [43.49, 43.70, 42.01, 43.04] # Apply calibration tables for Jy/K conversion print 'Applying the Jy/K conversion factor ...' # Data taken on 2014-07-01 for name in ['uid___A002_X85c183_X36f', 'uid___A002_X85c183_X60b']: os.system('rm -Rf %s.ms.cal.jy' % name) os.system('cp -Rf %s.ms.cal %s.ms.cal.jy' % (name, name)) for (spw, jyperk) in zip(spwlist, jyperklist0701): aU.scaleAutocorr(vis='%s.ms.cal.jy' % name, scale=jyperk, spw=spw) # Data taken on 2014-07-05 for name in ['uid___A002_X8602fa_X2ab', 'uid___A002_X8602fa_X577']: os.system('rm -Rf %s.ms.cal.jy' % name) os.system('cp -Rf %s.ms.cal %s.ms.cal.jy' % (name, name)) for (spw, jyperk) in zip(spwlist, jyperklist0705): aU.scaleAutocorr(vis='%s.ms.cal.jy' % name, scale=jyperk, spw=spw) # Data taken on 2014-07-07 for name in ['uid___A002_X864236_X2d4', 'uid___A002_X864236_X693']: os.system('rm -Rf %s.ms.cal.jy' % name) os.system('cp -Rf %s.ms.cal %s.ms.cal.jy' % (name, name)) for (spw, jyperk) in zip(spwlist, jyperklist0707): aU.scaleAutocorr(vis='%s.ms.cal.jy' % name, scale=jyperk, spw=spw) # Data taken on 2014-07-17 for name in ['uid___A002_X86fcfa_Xd9', 'uid___A002_X86fcfa_X664', 'uid___A002_X86fcfa_X96c']: os.system('rm -Rf %s.ms.cal.jy' % name) os.system('cp -Rf %s.ms.cal %s.ms.cal.jy' % (name, name)) for (spw, jyperk) in zip(spwlist, jyperklist0717): aU.scaleAutocorr(vis='%s.ms.cal.jy' % name, scale=jyperk, spw=spw)