# The following assumes standard calibration of the amplitude calibrator and # science target via the script generator. # Examples of each are provided in: # Amplitude Calibrator: uid___A002_X86fcfa_X3ae.ms.scriptForSDCalibration.py # Science target: uid___A002_X86fcfa_X664.ms.scriptForSDCalibration.py # # Below is the procedure to achieve a fully calibrated TP Science image, # in Jansky/beam units, taking as input a set of calibrated Science and # Amplitude Calibrator datasets (in units of Kelvin). # # 1. Image the amplitude calibrator and measure the value of Jy/K from the image # (values should be obtained for each night data is taken and for each spw and antenna) # # 2. Convert the science target units from Kelvin to Jansky # (treating each night's data and each spw separately) # # 3. Image the science target # (combining data from all antennas) # # 4. Optionally subtract a residual background from the image # (currently, this is likely necessary in most cases; in future, improvements # in the sdbaseline task should remove the need for this step) # # 5. Apply the restoring beam to the science image ### scriptForImagingAmpCalAndDerivingJyPerK.py deals with STEP 1. ### ### Tested in CASA Version 4.3.0 ### ### 1. Image the amplitude calibrator and measure the value of Jy/K from the image ### # (values should be obtained for each night data is taken and for each spw and antenna) # One ampcal per night is assumed # # In this case taken on: # 2014-07-01 uid___A002_X85c183_X895 # 2014-07-05 uid___A002_X8602fa_Xc3 # 2014-07-07 uid___A002_X864236_Xe1 # 2014-07-17 uid___A002_X86fcfa_X3ae # Determine some parameters of the data for each dataset # (comment in as relevant) ampcaldata = ['uid___A002_X85c183_X895.ms.cal', 'uid___A002_X8602fa_Xc3.ms.cal', 'uid___A002_X864236_Xe1.ms.cal', 'uid___A002_X86fcfa_X3ae.ms.cal'] spwlist = [17, 19, 21, 23] # the science spws # Define some properties of the beam fwhmfactor = 1.13 diameter = 12 # Determine the Jy/K values for msname in ampcaldata: # Open a file to write the derived Jy/K values fout = open(msname+'.JyPerK.txt', 'w') # Determine from the pointing table the sampling used to observe the data xSampling, ySampling, maxsize = aU.getTPSampling(msname, showplot=False) # Obtain the list of antennas msmd.open(msname) antlist = msmd.antennanames() msmd.close() for spw in spwlist: # Determine the frequency of each science spw msmd.open(msname) freq = msmd.meanfreq(spw) msmd.close() print "SPW %d: %.3f GHz" % (spw, freq*1e-9) # Determine cell size (using a Gaussian approximation) theorybeam = aU.primaryBeamArcsec(frequency=freq*1e-9, fwhmfactor=fwhmfactor, diameter=diameter) # Set up the imaging parameters cell = theorybeam/9.0 imsize = int(round(maxsize/cell)*2) # Get the field ID/name msmd.open(msname) fieldid = msmd.fieldsforspw(spw, False)[0] fieldname = msmd.fieldsforspw(spw, True)[0] msmd.close() print "Field ID %d, name %s" % (fieldid, fieldname) # Set the center of the map and determine planet size if its a planet # Check if the object is a planet -- NB some of them are not good # calibrators (only Uranus is used for Cycle 1/2) if fieldname.lower() in ['mercury', 'venus', 'mars', 'jupiter', 'saturn', 'uranus', 'neptune']: ephem = fieldname phasecenter = '' doPlanet = True else: ephem = '' phasecenter = fieldid doPlanet = False # Image the calibrator for the spectral line spw(s) print 'Imaging the amplitude calibrator...' for ant in antlist: sdimaging(infiles=msname, field=str(fieldname), spw='%d' % spw, #sciencespw antenna=ant, nchan=1, mode='channel', width='4080', gridfunction='SF', convsupport= 6, phasecenter=phasecenter, ephemsrcname=ephem, imsize=imsize, cell=str(cell)+'arcsec', overwrite=True, outfile='%s.%s.spw%d.image' % (msname, ant, spw)) # Obtain the Jy/K conversion factor if doPlanet: planetInfo = aU.planetFlux(vis=msname, spw=spw) srcflux = planetInfo['fluxDensity'] srcsize = (planetInfo['majorAxis']*planetInfo['minorAxis'])**0.5 else: srcflux = aU.getALMAFluxForMS(msname, field=fieldname, spw=str(spw))[fieldname]['fluxDensity'] jyperklist = [] for ant in antlist: peak = imstat('%s.%s.spw%d.image' % (msname, ant, spw))['max'][0] fwhm = aU.getfwhm2('%s.%s.spw%d.image' % (msname, ant, spw)) print 'Apparent FWHM (inc. gridding convolution) is %.2f arcsec' % fwhm if doPlanet: deconvfwhm = aU.deconvolveDiskFromBeam(fwhm, srcsize) print 'FWHM deconvolved for planet size is %.2f arcsec' % deconvfwhm # correction factor for dilution due to planet size srcsizecorr = (deconvfwhm/fwhm)**2 else: srcsizecorr = 1. jyperk = srcflux/peak*srcsizecorr print 'SPW%d %s Jy/K = %.2f' % (spw, ant, jyperk) fout.write('%d\t%s\t%.2f\n' % (spw, ant, jyperk)) jyperklist.append(jyperk) print '### SPW%d mean Jy/K = %.2f ###' % (spw, pl.mean(jyperklist)) fout.write('%d\t%s\t%.2f\n' % (spw, 'mean', pl.mean(jyperklist))) fout.close()