# v.1.0, 1/24/2011 - mkrauss@nrao.edu (Miriam Krauss) #===================================================================== # This is a streamlined, but still human-dependent, script. To use, # run "execfile('wideband_proc_dist.py')". General plan would be: # # -> run importData # -> inspect results and flag as needed # -> run calibData # -> inspect; flag again as needed # -> run calibData # -> run applyCalib # -> inspect; flag further if needed # -> run calibData # -> run applyCalib #===================================================================== import os, time #===================================================================== # importData: runs importevla to convert sdm to ms; writes out listobs # information to a file; imports and applies online flags; makes a # plot of these flags and saves flag versions from before and after; # plots antenna distribution; flags shadowed and zero-amplitude data; # splits the data with requested averaging; makes a set of plots for # initial data inspection. Sends an email when it's all done with # information about where it's written html files, etc. # # sdmName = name of input sdm directory # dataDir = where sdm directory lives # outName = root for filenames, etc. # scanList = scans to import (default is all) # refAnt = reference antenna to use # timeAve = number of seconds to use for time-averaging, e.g. '3s' # spwCopy = range of SPWs to split out, e.g. '2~17'; need to work around gaincurve bug # plotField = name of source for which to make initial plots # baseBand = list of spw strings to plot together e.g. ['18~25', '26~33'] # plotPoln = string for polarizations to be plotted def importData(sdmName, dataDir, outName, scanList, refAnt, timeAve, spwCopy, plotField, plotScan, baseBand, plotPoln): msName = outName + '.ms' aveName = '%s.%s' % (outName, timeAve) msAve = aveName + '.ms' # Make a time string for later use: timeArr = time.localtime() timeStr = '%4.0f-%02.0f-%02.0f.%02.0f:%02.0f' % (timeArr[0], timeArr[1], timeArr[2], timeArr[3], timeArr[4]) #===================================================================== # Import the data; do not immediately apply online flags. Will make a # flag command table for these, as well as shadow and zero flags, # after import and data-checking. casalog.post("Importing %s to MS format..." % (dataDir+'/'+sdmName)) timeImportStart = time.time() importevla2(asdm=dataDir+'/'+sdmName, vis=msName, scans=scanList, applyflags=False) timeImportEnd = time.time() timeImportTotal = timeImportEnd - timeImportStart casalog.post("Importing data took %0.2f seconds (%0.2f minutes)" % (timeImportTotal, timeImportTotal/60)) # Plot the weather table: foo = plotwx(msName) # Set logger to pipe to a different file so a text version of listobs # exists, then switch back: logOrig = casalog.logfile() casalog.setlogfile('%s_listobs.txt' % outName) listobs(msName) casalog.setlogfile(logOrig) # Import the online flags, make plots, apply flags, and save a flag # version: casalog.post("Importing and applying online flags...") timeOnlineFlagStart = time.time() from readflags import readflags, plotflags, useflags myFlags = readflags(dataDir+'/'+sdmName, tbuff=1.5) plotName = outName + '_onlineFlags.png' plotflags(myFlags) pl.savefig(plotName) useflags(msName, myFlags) flagmanager(vis=msName, mode='save', versionname='flags.online', \ comment='Flag save after only online flags applied') timeOnlineFlagEnd = time.time() timeOnlineFlagTotal = timeOnlineFlagEnd - timeOnlineFlagStart casalog.post("Applying online flags took %0.2f seconds (%0.2f minutes)" % (timeOnlineFlagTotal, timeOnlineFlagTotal/60)) # Plot antenna distribution plotants(vis=msName, figfile=outName+'_antdist.png') # Make flagcmd command list for zero and shadow flags; save flags: casalog.post("Flagging zeros and shadowed data...") timeFlagStart = time.time() ## flagcmd(vis=msName, mode='cmd', ## command=["mode='shadow'", ## "mode='clip' cliprange='0~1E-10' clipexpr='ABS_RR'", ## "mode='clip' cliprange='0~1E-10' clipexpr='ABS_LL'"], ## flagbackup=False) flagdata(vis=msName, mode='shadow', flagbackup=False) flagdata(vis=msName, mode='manualflag', clipminmax=[0.0, 1E-10], \ clipoutside=False, clipcolumn='DATA', \ clipexpr=['ABS RR','ABS LL','ABS RL','ABS LR'], flagbackup=False) flagmanager(vis=msName, mode='save', versionname='flags.shadow.zeros', \ comment='Flag save after online, shadow, and zero flags applied') timeFlagEnd = time.time() timeFlagTotal = timeFlagEnd - timeFlagStart casalog.post("Applying zero and shadow flags took %0.2f seconds (%0.2f minutes)" % (timeFlagTotal, timeFlagTotal/60)) ## Split the data, with requested averaging: casalog.post("Splitting data to average...") timeSplitStart = time.time() split(vis=msName, outputvis=msAve, datacolumn='data', timebin=timeAve, spw=spwCopy, \ keepflags=False) timeSplitEnd = time.time() timeSplitTotal = timeSplitEnd - timeSplitStart casalog.post("Splitting data to time-average took %0.2f seconds (%0.2f minutes)" % (timeSplitTotal, timeSplitTotal/60)) # Initial inspection, using plotms, plotting calibrators' amplitude & # phase vs. frequency for baselines to reference antenna: casalog.post("Plotting data...") timePlotStart = time.time() # Need to get antennas first, since plotms will hang if it comes # across an antenna without data: ## NEED TO MODIFY THIS SO THAT IT ONLY FINDS ANTENNAS THAT ACTUALLY ## HAVE DATA! tb.open(msAve + '/ANTENNA') antArr = tb.getcol('NAME') tb.close plotDir = aveName+'.importData.'+timeStr+'.plots' os.system('mkdir '+plotDir) for i in range(0, len(baseBand)): spwStr = baseBand[i] html = open(plotDir+'/field_%s.amp-phase_v_freq.spw%s.html' % (plotField, spwStr), 'w') htmlHead = ''' Phase/amplitude vs. freq for '''+msAve+''', '''+plotField+''', spw '''+spwStr+''' ''' html.write(htmlHead) for j in range(0, len(antArr)): plotMade = False if antArr[j] == refAnt: continue antStr = '%s&%s' % (antArr[j], refAnt) plotNameAmp = plotDir + '/' + antStr + '.spw' + spwStr + '.freq.amp.png' plotNamePh = plotDir + '/' + antStr + '.spw' + spwStr + '.freq.phase.png' htmlNameAmp = antStr + '.spw' + spwStr + '.freq.amp.png' htmlNamePh = antStr + '.spw' + spwStr + '.freq.phase.png' htmlStr = ''' ''' % (antStr, htmlNameAmp, htmlNameAmp, htmlNamePh, htmlNamePh) html.write(htmlStr) # Make amp vs. freq plots: plotms(vis=msAve, xaxis='freq', yaxis='amp', selectdata=True, \ field=plotField, spw=spwStr, antenna=antStr, avgtime='5s', \ plotfile=plotNameAmp, correlation=plotPoln, scan=plotScan) while (plotMade == False): time.sleep(2) print "Testing for plot %s..." % plotNameAmp plotMade = os.path.isfile(plotNameAmp) print "Plot not found." plotMade = False # Make phase vs. freq plots: plotms(vis=msAve, xaxis='freq', yaxis='phase', selectdata=True, \ field=plotField, spw=spwStr, antenna=antStr, avgtime='5s', \ plotfile=plotNamePh, correlation=plotPoln, scan=plotScan ) while (plotMade == False): time.sleep(2) print "Testing for plot %s..." % plotNamePh plotMade = os.path.isfile(plotNamePh) print "Plot not found." htmlTail = '''
Amplitude vs. Frequency: Phase vs. Frequency:


''' html.write(htmlTail) html.close() timePlotEnd = time.time() timePlotTotal = timePlotEnd - timePlotStart casalog.post("Plotting data took %0.2f seconds (%0.2f minutes)" % (timePlotTotal, timePlotTotal/60)) #===================================================================== # Copy plots to web space: os.system('cp -rp '+plotDir+' /path/to/web/space') #===================================================================== # Save the log with a more understandable name: logOrig = casalog.logfile() logName = outName+'.importData.'+timeStr+'.log' os.system('cp %s %s' % (logOrig, logName)) #===================================================================== # Send an email notification: subject = 'Data imported: %s' % sdmName os.system('echo "Data for %s have been imported, time-averaged, and plotted; see http://www.mywebsite.edu/%s" > tempmail' % (sdmName,plotDir)) os.system('cat tempmail | mail -s "%s" email@email.edu' % subject) os.system('rm tempmail') #===================================================================== #===================================================================== # calibData: given an input ms, and a list of fields to use for flux, # bandpass, and gain calibration, will perform standard calibration # and make plots for inspection. # # msName = name of ms to be calibrated # fluxSrc = name of flux calibrator, e.g. '3C48' # fluxFields = list of field IDs for flux calibrator, e.g. [2,3,4] # bpassFields = same, for bandpass calibrator(s) # gainFields = same, for gain calibrator(s) # band = letter designation for the band, for setjy. Note that # currently, this script is set up to only do one band at a time. # refAnt = desired reference antenna # bpassPhInt = '3s', e.g.; solution interval for initial phase cal # bpassPhChan = '28~32', e.g.; channels to use for initial phase cal # gainPhInt = '3s', e.g.; solution interval for phase determination # gainAmpInt = '60s', e.g.; solution interval for amplitude determination # gainChan = '4~58', e.g.; channel range to use for gain solutions # baseBand = array of spw strings to plot together (oft. basebands), # e.g. ['2~9', '10~17'] # plotPoln = string for polarizations to be plotted def calibData(msName, fluxSrc, fluxFields, bpassFields, gainFields, band, spwCalib, refAnt, bpassPhInt, bpassPhChan, bpassScan, gainPhInt, gainAmpInt, gainChan, baseBand, plotPoln): #===================================================================== # Set up useful bits for later # Get local time and set up plot directory timeArr = time.localtime() timeStr = '%4.0f-%02.0f-%02.0f.%02.0f:%02.0f' % (timeArr[0], timeArr[1], timeArr[2], timeArr[3], timeArr[4]) plotDir = msName + '.calibData.' + timeStr+'.plots' os.system('mkdir ' + plotDir) # Get antenna information tb.open(msName + '/ANTENNA') antArr = tb.getcol('NAME') tb.close # Check that there is a flux calibrator image to use casaPath = os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0] modImageDir = '%s/data/nrao/VLA/CalModels/%s_%s.im' % (casaPath, fluxSrc, band) if not os.path.isdir(modImageDir): casalog.post("ERROR: The calibrator model image directory not present at "+modImageDir, priority='ERROR') return #===================================================================== # Determine needed opacity corrections, per spw: tauMS = opacitycalc(vis=msName) #===================================================================== # setjy for flux calibrator: for i in fluxFields: srcStr = str(i) setjy(vis=msName, field=srcStr, modimage=modImageDir, \ scalebychan=True, standard='Perley-Butler 2010') #===================================================================== # Bandpass calibration: bpassFields = list(bpassFields) bpassStr = '' for s in range(0, len(bpassFields)): bpassStr = str(bpassFields[s]) + ',' + bpassStr bpassStr = str.rstrip(bpassStr,',') # remove trailing comma bpassPh = msName + '.' + bpassPhInt + '.bcal.phase' bpassTab = msName + '.bcal' # Since solutions are being appended, need to delete any pre- # existing files. os.system('rm -rf ' + bpassPh) os.system('rm -rf ' + bpassTab) # Loop through spectral windows to create initial phase solutions: for n in spwCalib: zVal = tauMS[n] bpassSpwStr = '%i:%s' % (n, bpassPhChan) gaincal(vis=msName, caltable=bpassPh, field=bpassStr, \ selectdata=True, spw=bpassSpwStr, gaintype='G', \ solint=bpassPhInt, calmode='p', refant=refAnt, \ append=True, gaincurve=True, opacity=zVal, scan=bpassScan) # Loop through spectral windows to create bandpass solutions: for i in spwCalib: zVal = tauMS[i] bpassSpwStr = '%i' % i bandpass(vis=msName, caltable=bpassTab, gaintable=[bpassPh], \ field=bpassStr, spw=bpassSpwStr, solint='inf', refant=refAnt, \ combine='scan,field', solnorm=True, selectdata=True, \ append=True, gaincurve=True, opacity=zVal, \ scan=bpassScan) #===================================================================== # Gain calibration: gainFields = list(gainFields) gainStr = '' for s in range(0, len(gainFields)): gainStr = str(gainFields[s]) + ',' + gainStr gainStr = str.rstrip(gainStr,',') # remove trailing comma gainPh = msName + '.' + gainPhInt + '.gain.phase' gainPhAmp = msName + '.' + gainAmpInt + '.gain.phase.amp' # Since solutions are being appended, need to delete any pre- # existing files. os.system('rm -rf ' + gainPh) os.system('rm -rf ' + gainPhAmp) # Loop through spectral windows to create phase-only solutions: for n in spwCalib: zVal = tauMS[n] gainSpwStr = '%i:%s' % (n, gainChan) gaincal(vis=msName, caltable=gainPh, field=gainStr, \ selectdata=False, spw=gainSpwStr, interp='nearest', \ solint=gainPhInt, calmode='p', refant=refAnt, \ gaintable=[bpassTab], minsnr=3.0, minblperant=3, \ append=True, gaincurve=True, opacity=zVal) # Loop through spectral windows to create phase+amplitude solutions: for n in spwCalib: zVal = tauMS[n] gainSpwStr = '%i:%s' % (n, gainChan) gaincal(vis=msName, caltable=gainPhAmp, field=gainStr, \ selectdata=False, spw=gainSpwStr, interp='nearest', \ solint=gainAmpInt, calmode='ap', refant=refAnt, \ gaintable=[bpassTab, gainPh], minsnr=3.0, \ minblperant=3, append=True, gaincurve=True, opacity=zVal) #===================================================================== # Flux scaling: # Only scale flux if there are sources other than the flux calibrator if (fluxFields != gainFields): fluxStr = '' for s in range(0, len(fluxFields)): fluxStr = str(fluxFields[s]) + ',' + fluxStr fluxStr = str.rstrip(fluxStr,',') # remove trailing comma fluxTab = msName + '.' + gainAmpInt + '.fscale.phase.amp' # To keep record of flux-scaled values, switch log files temporarily: logOrig = casalog.logfile() casalog.setlogfile('%s.fluxval.txt' % fluxTab) os.system('rm -rf ' + fluxTab) cb.open(msName) scaledFlux = cb.fluxscale(tablein=gainPhAmp, tableout=fluxTab, reference=fluxStr, transfer=gainStr); cb.close(); casalog.setlogfile(logOrig) #===================================================================== # Plot solutions and make web pages # Phase solutions html = open(plotDir+'/field_%s.bpphase.html' % (bpassStr), 'w') htmlHead = ''' Initial phase vs. time for '''+msName+''', '''+bpassStr+''' ''' html.write(htmlHead) for j in range(0, len(antArr)): antStr = '%s' % antArr[j] htmlNamePh = antStr + '.time.phase.png' plotNamePh = plotDir + '/' + htmlNamePh htmlStr = ''' ''' % (antStr, htmlNamePh, htmlNamePh) html.write(htmlStr) # Make phase vs. time plots: plotcal(caltable=bpassPh, xaxis='time', yaxis='phase', \ field=bpassStr, antenna=antStr, \ showgui=False, figfile=plotNamePh, \ plotrange=[-1,-1,-180,180]) htmlTail = '''

''' html.write(htmlTail) html.close() # Bandpass solutions, one per baseband per antenna: for i in range(0, len(baseBand)): html = open(plotDir+'/field_%s.bandpass.spw%s.html' % (bpassStr, baseBand[i]), 'w') htmlHead = ''' Bandpass phase/amplitude vs. freq for '''+msName+''', '''+bpassStr+''', band '''+baseBand[i]+''' ''' html.write(htmlHead) for j in range(0, len(antArr)): antStr = '%s' % antArr[j] htmlNameAmp = antStr + '.spw' + baseBand[i] + '.freq.amp.png' htmlNamePh = antStr + '.spw' + baseBand[i] + '.freq.phase.png' plotNameAmp = plotDir + '/' + htmlNameAmp plotNamePh = plotDir + '/' + htmlNamePh htmlStr = ''' ''' % (antStr, htmlNameAmp, htmlNameAmp, htmlNamePh, htmlNamePh) html.write(htmlStr) # Make amp vs. freq plots: plotcal(caltable=bpassTab, xaxis='freq', yaxis='amp', \ field=bpassStr, antenna=antStr, spw=baseBand[i], \ showgui=False, figfile=plotNameAmp) # Make phase vs. freq plots: plotcal(caltable=bpassTab, xaxis='freq', yaxis='phase', \ field=bpassStr, antenna=antStr, spw=baseBand[i], \ showgui=False, figfile=plotNamePh, \ plotrange=[-1,-1,-180,180]) htmlTail = '''


''' html.write(htmlTail) html.close() # Make plots of gain solutions, one per baseband per antenna: for i in range(0, len(baseBand)): html = open(plotDir+'/field_%s.gain.spw%s.html' % (gainStr, baseBand[i]), 'w') htmlHead = ''' Gain phase/amplitude vs. freq for '''+msName+''', '''+gainStr+''', band '''+baseBand[i]+''' ''' html.write(htmlHead) for j in range(0, len(antArr)): antStr = '%s' % antArr[j] htmlNameAmp = antStr + '.spw' + baseBand[i] + '.time.amp.png' htmlNamePh = antStr + '.spw' + baseBand[i] + '.time.phase.png' plotNameAmp = plotDir + '/' + htmlNameAmp plotNamePh = plotDir + '/' + htmlNamePh htmlStr = ''' ''' % (antStr, htmlNameAmp, htmlNameAmp, htmlNamePh, htmlNamePh) html.write(htmlStr) # Make amp vs. freq plots: plotcal(caltable=gainPhAmp, xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', \ field=gainStr, antenna=antStr, spw=baseBand[i], \ showgui=False, figfile=plotNameAmp) # Make phase vs. freq plots: plotcal(caltable=gainPh, xaxis='time', yaxis='phase', \ field=gainStr, antenna=antStr, spw=baseBand[i], \ showgui=False, figfile=plotNamePh, \ plotrange=[-1,-1,-180,180]) htmlTail = '''


''' html.write(htmlTail) html.close() # Only plot flux table if there are sources other than the flux calibrator if (fluxFields != gainFields): # Make flux-scaled amp vs. freq plots: for i in range(0, len(baseBand)): html = open(plotDir+'/field_%s.fscale.gain.spw%s.html' % (gainStr, baseBand[i]), 'w') htmlHead = ''' Gain phase/flux-scaled amplitude vs. freq for '''+msName+''', '''+gainStr+''', band '''+baseBand[i]+''' ''' html.write(htmlHead) for j in range(0, len(antArr)): antStr = '%s' % antArr[j] htmlNameAmp = antStr + '.spw' + baseBand[i] + '.time.amp.fscale.png' htmlNamePh = antStr + '.spw' + baseBand[i] + '.time.phase.png' plotNameAmp = plotDir + '/' + htmlNameAmp htmlStr = ''' ''' % (antStr, htmlNameAmp, htmlNameAmp, htmlNamePh, htmlNamePh) html.write(htmlStr) plotcal(caltable=fluxTab, xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', \ field=gainStr, antenna=antStr, spw=baseBand[i], \ showgui=False, figfile=plotNameAmp) htmlTail = '''


''' html.write(htmlTail) html.close() #===================================================================== # Copy plots to web space: os.system('cp -rp '+plotDir+' /path/to/webspace') #===================================================================== # Give the log a more understandable name: logOrig = casalog.logfile() logName = msName+'.calibData.'+timeStr+'.log' os.system('cp %s %s' % (logOrig, logName)) #===================================================================== # Send an email notification: subject = 'Data calibrated: %s' % msName os.system('echo "Data for %s have been calibrated and plotted; see http://www.mywebspace/%s" > tempmail' % (msName,plotDir)) os.system('cat tempmail | mail -s "%s" myemailaddress' % subject) os.system('rm tempmail') #===================================================================== #===================================================================== # applyCalib: apply requested calibration products to an MS, and make # a set of plots to evaluate data quality. Plots will only be made # for requested sources, and will include phase vs. amplitude and # amplitude vs. baseline. Time-averaging with requested length will # be used to create plots. Note that this is only "self-cal" type # calibration, used on cal sources and to evaluate data quality. # # msName = name of file to be calibrated # clearPrev = run clearcal to clear prior calibration? # calField = fields to calibrate, e.g. [2,3,4] # calChan = channels to calibrate, e.g. '4~58' # fluxFields = name(s) of flux calibrator(s) for setjy, e.g. [3,4] # calTable = list of tables to apply # calInterp = list of interpolation methods to use # plotField = list of field(s) to plot, e.g. [1,2] # timeBin = time binning to use for plots, e.g. '5' # chanBin = channel binning to use for plots, e.g. '5' # plotPoln = string for polarizations to be plotted def applyCalib(msName, clearPrev, calField, calChan, fluxFields, fluxSrc, band, spwCalib, calTable, calInterp, plotField, timeBin, chanBin, plotPoln): #===================================================================== # Clear prior calibration, if requested: if clearPrev == True: clearcal(vis=msName) #===================================================================== # Determine needed opacity corrections, per spw: tauMS = opacitycalc(vis=msName) ## Check that there is a flux calibrator image to use casaPath = os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0] modImageDir = '%s/data/nrao/VLA/CalModels/%s_%s.im' % (casaPath, fluxSrc, band) if not os.path.isdir(modImageDir): casalog.post("ERROR: The calibrator model image directory not present at "+modImageDir, priority='ERROR') return ## setjy for flux calibrator: for i in fluxFields: srcStr = str(i) setjy(vis=msName, field=srcStr, modimage=modImageDir, \ scalebychan=True, standard='Perley-Butler 2010') ## Apply calibration, per spw: timeArr = time.localtime() timeStr = '%4.0f-%02.0f-%02.0f.%02.0f:%02.0f' % (timeArr[0], timeArr[1], timeArr[2], timeArr[3], timeArr[4]) flagStr = 'preCalib_'+timeStr flagComm = 'Flag save before calibration on '+timeStr # Save a version of the flags before applying calibration: flagmanager(vis=msName, mode='save', versionname=flagStr, \ comment=flagComm) for i in range(0, len(calField)): if (i == 0): calFieldStr = str(calField[i]) else: calFieldStr = calFieldStr + ',' + str(calField[i]) for n in spwCalib: spwStr = str(n)+':'+calChan zVal = tauMS[n] applycal(vis=msName, spw=spwStr, field=calFieldStr, selectdata=False, \ interp=calInterp, gaintable=calTable, gaincurve=True, \ opacity=zVal, calwt=False) ## applycal(vis=msName, spw=spwStr, field=calField, selectdata=False, \ ## interp=calInterp, gaintable=calTable, gaincurve=False, \ ## opacity=zVal, calwt=False) #===================================================================== # Make plots of calibrated data, one per spw of each phase vs. amp and # amp vs. baseline: plotDir = msName+'.applyCalib.'+timeStr+'.plots' os.system('mkdir '+plotDir) # Loop over fields and spws: for i in range(0, len(plotField)): plotStr = str(plotField[i]) html = open(plotDir+'/field_%s.html' % plotStr, 'w') htmlHead = ''' Calibrated phase vs. amp and amp vs. baseline for '''+msName+''', field '''+plotStr+''' ''' html.write(htmlHead) for s in spwCalib: spwStr = str(s)+':'+calChan plotMade = False htmlAmpPh = 'field_'+plotStr+'.spw'+spwStr+'.amp.phase.png' htmlAmpBl = 'field_'+plotStr+'.spw'+spwStr+'.amp.bl.png' plotAmpPh = plotDir+'/'+htmlAmpPh plotAmpBl = plotDir+'/'+htmlAmpBl htmlStr = ''' ''' % (spwStr, htmlAmpPh, htmlAmpPh, htmlAmpBl, htmlAmpBl) html.write(htmlStr) # Make phase vs. amp plots: plotms(vis=msName, xaxis='phase', yaxis='amp', selectdata=True, \ field=plotStr, spw=spwStr, avgtime=timeBin, \ avgchannel=chanBin, \ plotfile=plotAmpPh, correlation=plotPoln, \ xdatacolumn='corrected', ydatacolumn='corrected') while (plotMade == False): time.sleep(2) print "Testing for plot %s..." % plotAmpPh plotMade = os.path.isfile(plotAmpPh) print "Plot not found." plotMade = False # Make amp vs. baseline plots: plotms(vis=msName, xaxis='baseline', yaxis='amp', selectdata=True, \ field=plotStr, spw=spwStr, avgtime=timeBin, \ avgchannel=chanBin, \ plotfile=plotAmpBl, correlation=plotPoln, \ ydatacolumn='corrected') while (plotMade == False): time.sleep(2) print "Testing for plot %s..." % plotAmpBl plotMade = os.path.isfile(plotAmpBl) print "Plot not found." htmlTail = '''
Phase vs. Amplitude: Amplitude vs. Baseline:


''' html.write(htmlTail) html.close() #===================================================================== # Copy plots to web space: os.system('cp -rp '+plotDir+' /path/to/webspace/') #===================================================================== # Give the log a more understandable name: logOrig = casalog.logfile() logName = msName+'.applyCal.'+timeStr+'.log' os.system('cp %s %s' % (logOrig, logName)) #===================================================================== # Send an email notification: subject = 'Calibration applied, data plotted: %s' % msName os.system('echo "Calibration applied to data in %s, and plots made; see http://mywebsite/%s" > tempmail' % (msName,plotDir)) os.system('cat tempmail | mail -s "%s" myemailaddress' % subject) os.system('rm tempmail')